Editor’s Note: This documentary is in German. It publishes the truth about what has happened in the last 20 years to the cities of Germany which are not overflowing with the victims of drug abuse and immigration. — If you can find a version dubbed or subtitled in any other language, let me know, in the comments below.
The authors of the Documentary propose that what is now happening to Germany is the objective or plan that the Globalists have for the entire West: a post apocalyptic world, where everyone is drugged.
This documentary is a dark, but eloquent testimony to the truth of the Catholic political doctrine, taught and practiced by all the canonized Saints who were Kings and Monarchs, that gross immorality should be publicly outlawed and the things used to perpetrate it banned or restricted, even at times under pain of death.
And English introduction, can be seen here:
They want Order out of Chaos, like their motto says. Manufactured chaos now and their wicked order, to solve all problems they themselves created, later on.