6 thoughts on “The Political Agenda behind charges of “Anti-Semitism””

  1. Being labelled as any of the Fascists preferred insults is a Badge of Honor. Demons Wearing Human Beings Suits lack all credibility. Their insults are complements for God’s people.

    1. Genetically, there is no difference between those who call themselves Jews whose families have lived in the mid east for generations, and Palestinians. They are indistinguishable.

      1. Bro. you are very wrong!

        “……. there are NO LOST TRIBES of Israel roaming about. They’re all dead. Besides, if they’re lost, why don’t they pick up a cell phone and call someone. After all, this is the 21st century. 🙂

        Today, those who are known as Jews are in fact the non-Semitic and non-Israelite Ashkenazim, Sephardim, and Samaritans, who in later times joined small numbers of other races that converted to Judaism/Pharisaism: Polish, Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, etc. These latter ones form a minority known as European Jews who, when coupled with the Ashkenazim, constitute a majority against the darker-skinned Samaritan, Sephardic, and African Jews.

        None of these different groups can claim to trace their ancestry to Abraham, Jacob, or Judah. In other words, they’re not the chosen Hebrews of the Bible with whom God had the Old Covenant, and therefore cannot claim the land of Palestine, which they have stolen, as their Abrahamic inheritance. And resurrecting the dead Hebrew tongue after centuries in the dustbin of oblivion, in order to make it modern Israel’s official language, won’t change those facts, much like parking a Subaru in a Lamborghini dealership won’t turn it into a Veneno Roadster.”

        Source: https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2014/07/27/jesus-was-not-a-jew/

      2. I am an anthropologist, so if you claim I am wrong, cite me a published scientific paper showing their DNA is different from Palestinians, because I am sure a lot of people would want to see it. They myth that the Ashkenasim are descendants of a Caucasian tribe has been disproven, as far as I have heard. They have the same genetic background as the Sephardim, more or less. But just because they might be of mid eastern origin does not make them Hebrews. The Palestinians are not hebrews, for example, and neither are the Maronites.

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