The Masonic Plan for the United States of America which must be Destroyed

This author says that the Masons plan to rollout their Antichrist in 2025.

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13 thoughts on “The Masonic Plan for the United States of America which must be Destroyed”

  1. While it is interesting to listen to different sources of information, I think what we can count on are the centenary dates of the apparitions Lucia of Fatima recieved from Our Lady:

    – December 10, 1925 – asking for the Five Saturday’s devotion

    – June 13, 1929 – asking the Pope and all the bishops of the world to consecrate Russia.

    And Our Lord

    May 29, 1930 – Explaining the reasons for the five Saturdays devotion

    – August 29, 1932 – “They did not wish to heed my request. Like the King of France, they will repent and do it, but it will be late. Russia will have already spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars, and persecutions of the Church; the Holy Father will have much to suffer”

    1. If there is one thing you can say about our Heavenly Queen, She gives us plenty of advance warning and always sound advice.

  2. 2032 will bring us to the eve of the bi-millennial anniversary of the cucifixion, death and resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    1. It’s obvious as heck that they trying to prevent, obstruct and perhaps eliminate all such celebrations lest the Christian world rise up again.

  3. Satan is not a creator; only a copier and all is a parody of God and God’s creation.
    Whatever will be, will be and we have the all the books of the Prophets, Revelations and all the Apparitions providing all the hope inherent to Faith in our Savior, the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
    The only thing possible to say about this man and his Masonic Revelations…They are convenient and timely to this present darkness to further magnify the ‘Terror Mongering’ Psy-Ops of western Intel Agencies and their Propaganda, Surveillance and Censorship Instruments.

  4. Would you recommend the book by Tom Horn as cited below the YouTube video? I would like to have a book explaining Freemasonry for my library since I am just learning about it over the last couple of years. The only time I remember my Mother talking about it was when she mentioned it to an aunt of mine that a cousin had become a mason and that it was against the Catholic Church.

  5. The deistic belief of the founding fathers of America has its origin in the Jewish/ European group “Murranos.”( sometimes spelled marranos).
    This were the name ofJewish exiles which Queen Isabella of Portugal,( a Catholic country,) in the late 1400s gave the option to ” become Catholic, or emigrate.” Over 10,000 +emigrated to England alone , and, vowing never to have this happen again, became ” secret protestants” and ,asI read it, became the driving force in the so termed,” protestant reform of the Catholic Church” beginning in England.
    These “Marranos” after Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand,( who under Divine command funded CColumbus voyage and made King and Queen of America by the Pope)…came after the land of of America. They were now known as Pilgrims and Puritans, open lyprotestants like in England,, but secretly Jews ,claiming to establish “Israel in America.” This political vehicle and religious one, was the establishment of the new protestant,anti papal, anti monarchial , masonic United States of America. ( one source is book Our Croud by Steven Birmingham @1970/80s.opening pgs.). Think about it. They would espouse religious freedom and elected by the people government( no Kings or Queens) bc this is what caused their exile….
    I also see this as the ascendancy of freemasonry as the force behind the 1776 AmRev, the 1792 of the French Rev, the American Civil war1860s,and the 1917 Bolshevik Rev…..financed by KuhnLoeb,and WallStreet….Every single American Pres has been a secret Mason except Lincoln and Kennedy up until the Bush Era, and I don’t know after that.

  6. Trent Horn also believes in the Rapture and all faiths. He speaks of all his “visions” online and has written a book.

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