Just as the Ukrainian Offensive takes off, the West pulls military funding

Editor’s Note: The Rothschilds have played Ukraine. And even the major fundraiser for humanitarian and military aid, run by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry is controlled by the Rothschild Bank, JP Morgan. I expect that rug to be pulled out from under Ukraine’s feet also.  – Along with all those who cheered Russia and looked for the Nazis in Ukraine which are far less numerous than in their own political parties in the West, the Christians of Ukraine have been stabbed in the back from all sides. — I and the members of Ordo Militaris Catholicus are glad and honored that we were not of their number. — I predicted the above news, in my editorial back in July, where I said that the Globalists must end the War in Ukraine before they launch the next Plandemic. Cutting off military aid, is about the strongest message that one can send, saying, “Settle with your enemy, fast.”

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