Why the Israeli-Hamas war may be a sign of hope for humanity

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Israel just funded, supported, armed and trained the Azeri military to genocide 20,000 Christians on live TV. And nearly no one said a word in condemnation.

But to flip the narrative before anyone though Israel was guilty of anything, lo! Hamas undertakes a daring attack inside Israel, allegedly killing hundreds and wounding more than 1000.

Long time observers say it is impossible that the Israeli defense forces did not know about this attack before.

Even the tactics employed show advanced military training way beyond anything Hamas has demonstrated to have previously.

I personally also wonder who in their right mind would organize a large concert-festival near the Gaza Border.

When years come and go by, it will not surprise me to find that the organizer of the event is tied to the same persons who trained the soldiers; and that this link goes not back to Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, nor to Tehran, but to the Rothschilds in the United Kingdom.

Israel needed a war to look like a victim again, after her mask of innocence was ripped off by heir own actions as a blood thirsty racist anti-Christian Jihad terrorist supporter.

But here is where I see a ray of hope for humanity.

There was supposed to be another Plandemic. But now two wars were started, one against Armenians in Artsakh, and another in the flare-up of the long conflict resulting from the illegal racist occupation of Palestine by godless Jews.

And this might mean, that the Globalists have realized that the Plandemic 2.0 trick is not going to work again. The masses won’t be fooled again.

And that at least is a good thing for all of humanity.

So ignore the cries for war. Understand those calling for the defense of Israel to be Rothschild puppets. And keep praying for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart, which is the only real peace plan for our generation.

And, now, remember well! The next time a Jew mentions the Holocaust, to say: “What about the 20,000 Christians Israel help genocide in Artsakh, without apologies or remorse?”

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

16 thoughts on “Why the Israeli-Hamas war may be a sign of hope for humanity”

    1. Of course, you’re correct Br. Bugnolo…
      And, to add to what’s already commonly reported…
      The W.H.O really pulled a huge maneuver; a Smoke and Mirrors Display in seeking to again change the rules to get their Totalitarianism changed via regulations to meet demand by the Rothschilds. All kinds of distractions are interwoven and connected…All beginning in one place with the Committee of 300 centered in the City of London.

  1. Spot on with your analysis yet again Brother Alexis.

    The zionists are always the attack dogs that the synogogue of satan inside the city of London use in order to to start a major war.

    Obviously ,the slaughter of Christians in the Ukraine and Artsakh is not enough blood for the Rothschilds and their minions.

    The zionist entity also want to ethnically cleanse the Gaza strip of all Palestinians, and this war will be their golden opportunity to do so.

    This will have two major impacts on the west. Firstly, it will enrage muslims in Europe to lash out as the governments of most of these countries aid and abet the israeli war machine, and the crimes they commit against Palestinian civilians.

    Secondly there will be another flood of refugees into Europe further replacing christian culture and causing chaos.

    We are truly in the days of the Fatima prophesy.

  2. The war in the Middle East has been going on since the beginning of Human History! They rejected the Prince of Peace 2000 years ago. So, the Red and Pale Horseman of the Apocalypse of Saint John continued ride through the fertile fields of Israel until the last day of Judgement.

  3. Excellent analysis, Brother Alexis!

    Satan’s puppets always use deception to create division & distraction & discouragement……

    Meanwhile, the MSM and various political ‘leaders’ of “the West” appear desperate in their support of Israel as they all fear being tarnished with the ‘Anti-Semitism’ brush which has been an extraordinarily effective strategy in endeavouring to eliminate prejudice against Jews for well over a century……

    1. I think that the Globalists are desperate to control minds and are playing this last card in attempt to make people pay attention to what they want them to pay attention to.

  4. Israel’s shocking plan: Genocidal atrocities targeting 2 million Palestinian civilians
    Mike Adams

    Things are escalating very rapidly in the Middle East, as Israel has now announced a siege warfare tactic against 2 million Palestinian civilians by cutting off their food, water, electricity and fuel.

    This means 2 million Palestinian civilians will now face imminent starvation, sickness and disease, with sewage running in the streets, hospitals blacked out, and children woman and the elderly suffering horrifying deaths while under kinetic bombardment.

    Israel’s actions are leading to rapid escalation and involvement from other groups and nations, including Hezbollah, Lebanon and Turkey. Iran may soon be involved as well, and Turkey is warning that if the USA gets involved, Turkey’s military will side with Palestinians.

    The situation is rapidly going “full Biblical” and it could even involve Damascus, Syria. (Read Isiah chapter 17).


    1. I think Mike Adams has not the intellectual formation to interpret the Bible, even if he be a Catholic, which does not seem so.

      1. I used to listen to Mike Adams during covid and he is not really a Christian although he tries to speak like one. He is married to a Chinese woman, is very anti-Ukraine, promotes the Great awakening, and Aliens and supports Alex Jones. So it seems to me that he may just be a communist or CIA agitator who has infiltrated the right. He also make predictions long in advance which turn out to be correct (ie covid) so it also seems to me that he may be fed these plans by the CIA.

        I don’t trust him.

      2. I put Mike Adams in the “controlled-opposition” category.
        He is certainly not a Roman Catholic but does appear to have some knowledge of Christianity……no doubt through various protestant sects which he has encountered wherever he has lived.
        His ‘Brighteon’ website has some good content but, frankly, also a lot of rubbish……which his lack of proper Catholic formation cannot discern as so much garbage……

  5. Totally agree with you Brother Alexis! Just on humanitarian grounds alone, Israel’s leaders have revealed themselves to many all over the world as being truly evil murderers with the way they attacked the innocent people including women and children in Gaza, with large area bombings.

    If they wanted to get the Hamas people responsible for the October 7th attack of the people attending the festival concert near the border (of which some of those deaths were the result of Israeli pilots themselves), they should have utilized their Special Forces personnel to target the bad actors and not broadly bombed places that also contained innocents.

    Plus the Israelis knew about this planned attack and wanted this confrontation as a means to obtain the land of Gaza – that is why they did not have armed forces ready to prevent or minimize the attack and kidnappings.

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