VATICAN: Bishop Overbeck says the Synodal Church must set aside Apostolic Tradition

Editor’s Note: This Bishop has just fallen under the penalty of anathematization leveled by the Second Council of Nicea: which reads, in the Greek, “If anyone despises any tradition of the Church, let him be anathema”.

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19 thoughts on “VATICAN: Bishop Overbeck says the Synodal Church must set aside Apostolic Tradition”

  1. Anathema indeed. Disgusting. Needs much prayer from the faithful as he’s a lost soul distant from the Holy Spirit to say such things. In this age, he won’t be reprimanded…He’ll be rewarded.

  2. Does that mean that NOVUS ORDO
    MASSES ARE HERETICAL since during the mass
    we profess to be in union with the pope..

    1. Actually not. Paul VI never approved the mass, he just forced the use of the new Missal by a bunch of dirty tricks amounting to unofficial persecution.

  3. We are all very knowledgeable of tradition.

    My theory today is there is no way to hijack the Church to gain full control over our hearts and minds, unless the traditions handed down to us are abandoned, which is perhaps why the real Holy Spirit instructed us to never abandon them. /\

    Prayers for Holy Father and team change.

    They’ll have to kill me first before I abandon the Catechism.

    Can I get an Amen?


    I am just hoping for the best. It’s like the shepherds have been out drinking. Fortunately, the sheep are well fed.


  4. In my study of the early Church, I ran across the interesting fact that Clement I and Ignatius of Antioch both stressed unity of the Church above all else, including scripture.

    Having learned my Christianity from the Protestant viewpoint, at first I was repelled by that teaching, but then I realized that this is the reason the Catholic Church has stood for 2000 years.

    And this is the true difference between Catholics and Protestants. The former value unity (expressed through the Traditions of the Church) over doctrine, and the latter value doctrine over unity.

    Both operating systems have strengths and weaknesses. The Catholic Church tends to embrace errors and pass them down from generation to generation as inviolable Traditions of the Church. The Protestants keep schisming and producing multinudinous sects.

    Those are the weaknesses.

    The strengths are greater unity in the Catholic Church and teachings closer to the Apostolic Church in many (but not all!) Protestant churches.

    It pains me greatly to see disunity in the Catholic Church, but among the grassroots Catholics the Traditions remain strong. I presume it is this quality that has helped the Church weather the storms of apostasy at the top before, and by the grace of God, will do so again.

    1. This observation is not correct.The Church is only united in adhesion to revealed truth, Protestants in human traditions

      1. For the most part, Protestant churches stick to Biblical scripture (and do not rely nearly as much on tradition as Catholics do), although the interpretation of Scripture may vary from church to church. The Catholic Church puts its own interpretation on Scripture, too. This is a human tendency, and all humans do it.

        I know this is a hard pill to swallow, but the fact is, it’s much easier to pick out someone else’s faults than your own. This is why Jesus told us to get the plank out of our own eye before we try to get the speck out of our brother’s eye.

      2. The Church has no interpretation of Scripture which is not of God. You are still presuming that the Holy Spirit never descended on Pentecost.

  5. I hope I did not come across as a Catholic-basher. Nothing could be further from the truth. No human institution is perfect, because it’s made up of human beings, and we all know what they’re like!

    I’m taking classes at a local Catholic church, but don’t know if I will be able to convert because of the errors I perceive. But, then, I have perceived errors in every church I have attended. Right now I don’t know where God wants me, but ultimately it will be up to Him.

    Regardless of which church I join, I will always have a lot of respect for the Catholic Church for its persistence in this fallen world. I suspect that the best marriages also persist in spite of errors. That is no longer a popular teaching, though it once was, when people understood better how the world works.

      1. I am not presuming that the Holy Spirit never descended on Pentecost, I am presuming that human beings quench the Holy Spirit and at times do not listen to Him.m

      2. You are also assuming that in the true Church, the House of God, the Holy Spirit sits around and ignores the words of the Son of God: the Gates of Hell will not prevail against My Church.

  6. Let me give you an example:

    In the book I am studying from for my class, This Is Our Faith by Michael Pennock, in the chapter titled The Communion of the Saints and the Blessed Mother, in the section titled How Is Mary the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church, I quote:
    “…Jesus gave His mother to all people everywhere to serve as their spiritual mother. ‘Behold , your mother,’ He said (Jn 19:27).”

    The exact quote follows:
    26 when Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple standing by, whom He loved, He saith unto His mother, “Woman, behold thy son!”
    27 Then saith He to the disciple, “Behold thy mother!” And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.

    When the first quote is put back in context, it appears that Jesus was simply arranging for someone He trusted to take care of His mom, since He was not going to be around to do it.

    She may have had other sons, or maybe not, but John probably outlived all of them, and Jesus knew that would be the case.

    I am not suggesting that Mary is not the Mother of the Church. I am simply saying that this one scripture, taken out of context, does not prove it.

    If you think the Church is incapable of error, I refer you to your own videos re Sutri. The wonderful, miraculous thing is that the Church has survived in spite of errors. Now there is the hand of God-and the Holy Spirit- at work!

    1. The author of your book does not construct his argument well, for he leaves out the reason why both Catholics and Orthodox read the passage that way. That is an error in argumentation, but not of the Church. She never had other sons, there is no proof of that at all, unless you read the KJV instead of the Greek. As for the word error, you seem to have a very broad definition which includes moral failures. Error properly defined is a proposition which contains a falsehood. Likewise, you have a very broad definition of Church, when you say the Church is in error: you mean the people in the Church as well as the institution in its official teachings. When Catholics speak of the Church and use the verb, “is” rather than “are” we refer to the institution. Jesus told us error would never prevail in Her, when He said, “The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against My Church”. Which Church is that? St. Paul tells us, “The Church of the Living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth”

      Until you see that the Catholic Church is that institution, you definitely should NOT join the Church, as you would be acting dishonestly.

      Does this mean that there are no sinners or errors among Catholics? Certainly not. But it means in the wars against error, error loses and in the wars against the truth, truth wins. Even if the wars go on for decades and generations. Because the Holy Spirit raises up warriors to defeat the errors and to defend the truths, and inspires the faithful to support those warriors.

  7. I would not join unless I could do so in good conscience, which I cannot see happening, but all things are possible with God. In the meantime, I’m learning a lot about the early church, which I find fascinating.

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