Authentic Opposition to Bergoglianism or a Grifter Collective?

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It has been 3 days for the Catholic influencers in the English speaking world to take up the news about the Sutri Initiative, which has been translated into French, and which a team of Italian scholars is now working on to produce an Italian version.

But which of these influencers have talked about the Sutri Initative?

And if they do not want a solution to the crisis in the Church, why do they keep complaining about the crisis in the Church.

Ask them, and report their response below in the Comments.

CREDITS: An public domain image of the Cathedral of Sutri, Italy, from Wikipedia. The Bell tower is from the Cathedral consecrated by Pope Innocent III in 1207 A. D..

Foot Note: The term “Grifter Collective” was coined by FromRome.Info to refer to the community of Catholic influencers on social media who speak about the problems in the Church, ask money for themselves only, and yet propose no solution, but are united in insisting there is no solution and that those who propose canonically valid or juridically valid solutions, are worse than Bergoglio, because they would end the money flow into their coffers, while he is the cause of their personal enrichment.  They work lock-step with Bergoglio in spreading knowledge of his scandals while offering no true solution other than despair and schism from Christ and His Church. They serve to achieve the goals of the CIA in destroying the Church by neutralizing opposition with misinformation, disinformation and psychologically neutralizing initiatives which sap any ability to react property and stop the scandals once and for all.

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5 thoughts on “Authentic Opposition to Bergoglianism or a Grifter Collective?”

  1. V2 . A well concieved secret..plan by the secret communists planted in the Vatican by the Bella Dodd kind of priests.. of the whole world… whose doctrine ECUMINISM” officially “came to fruition” at that time in the Church.
    It is an emotional appeal…not an intellectual one. Therefore, it is not truly Catholic. The only way to conquer it is spiritual. You are fighting Lucifer and the fallen angels. Pray, and Do Penance to save Souls…Especially the souls of Priests.

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