Cardinal Marchetto: We cannot subvert the Tradition of the Church to please the world

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5 thoughts on “Cardinal Marchetto: We cannot subvert the Tradition of the Church to please the world”

  1. The Word of God is NOT the same thing as tradition…Traditions can change. The WORD never changes as God never changes.

    1. traditions by definition do not change, but they can be partially or wholly abolished by innovation. But the infallible Second Council of Nicea taught, that if you despise any tradition (currently practices or long ago) you are accursed by God and His Church.

      1. I do not believe the Mysteries of Light are of God or pleasing to God. To think that a committee could add mysteries to Our Lady’s rosary, is like thinking a marxist politbureau can decide what to change in the Queen’s palace.

      2. A holy priest once said when asked about the legitimacy of the Luminous mysteries, “Do you really think that when Our Lady gave the rosary to St Dominic, she somehow FORGOT one of the mysteries?”

  2. Just found the dedication in a bookof one of your former professors, Peter Kreeft…He names the three men whom he considers with him fighting the ECUMENICAL JIHAD ( ie the name of the book) and then states:

    fellow footsoldiers
    wielding pens
    mightier than swords

    ( It seems evident to me that he would be proud to add you to his list.)

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