The Vitamin C protocol that can allegedly save 92% of all Patients dying of Sepsis of the Blood

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One thought on “The Vitamin C protocol that can allegedly save 92% of all Patients dying of Sepsis of the Blood”

  1. As an nurse I became aware of this protocol when it first surfaced and have never seen any of the hospital doctors use it, ever, even as a last resort! Linus Pauling wrote multiple books on treating cancer and the common cold with Vitamin C successfully. Some functional medicine physicians will administer IV Vitamin C in their office/clinic but this doesn’t help the sickest patients who are already hospitalized. The hospitals in the US have now been taken over by hospitalists (doctors who only work for the hospital) and they will only follow hospital protocols. I like the idea suggested in this article of threatening to sue the individual doctor if treatment is refused, as some have done recently when they have been denied Ivermectin treatment during the scamdemic.

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