Editor’s Note: In a letter to Mons. Negri, a Bishop in Brasil, the “Dicastery for the docrine of the Faith” — read anti-Faith — writes that Transies can be baptised, god-fathers & god-mothers at Baptisms. Also they can be witnesses at weddings.
Nothing could be more contrary to the faith than to allow public sinners who blaspheme the Creator by attempting to change their sexual identity or by asserting that they have changed it, such as Transies.
For the fake grifting opposition, this document will cause them to shake the can for more clicks, favs, and money, with a lot of screams and fake tears as they insist that you resist it while accepting it as canonically valid.
For Catholics, like the readers at FromRome.Info, however, the truth is otherwise. Because a Dicastery, which was created by an Antipope — even one which was created during the anti-papacy of an Antipope who was later validly elected — has not a drop of authority to give any response to questions of conscience or practice. Another sign for the sane to ask the question, “Was Benedict XVI pope until death” and if so, how do you elect a pope, when the College of Cardinals fails to act?” — A two part question answered completely and only here at FromRome.Info.
On cue, Fr. Nicholas Bux, who could not figure out who was the true pope during Pope Benedict XVI’s retirement, tweets out that this new document sanctions a break between the theology of redemption and the theology of creation, just as I predicted: