Editor’s Note: The Deposit of the Faith is the treasury of truth and practice which God gave the Church through the Patriarchs and Prophets of the Old Testament and Christ His Son and the Apostles in the New Testament. It closed after the death of the Apostle Saint John, the last one to die. To deny that this deposit exists is to say that the Catholic Religion has no fixed definition and can change from one thing into something entirely different. Obviously, then, to deny that there is a Deposit of the Faith is tantamount, that is, equivalent, to formally denying the entire Catholic Faith as true, and such an act is an act of apostasy.
This revelation by the anti-papal Apostolic Nuncio, three years ago, shows that Bergoglio has long had an agenda to destroy the Church. The Nuncio who said this is no longer the Nuncio to the USA, however. Pope Francis made him a Cardinal on September 30th of this year. He is now capable of voting for the next pope. His name is Christophe Louis Yves Georges Cardinal Pierre.
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