Editor’s Note: Here is an interesting suggestion. Since the new President has an eminent status as a Head of State, and since he considers Bergoglio, “an evil one in the House of God”, it is probably highly likely that as President of Argentina he would be willing to demand that the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome to convene a Council depose him from the papacy, for being a false claimant on the grounds that he is a freemason, globalist, godless enemy of the Church.
I call upon the citizens of Argentina to flood the new President with such petitions. See the Sutri Initiative for more information.
Count on mine. It would be nice if you can provide a model with the correct wording.
God bless!
I will leave that to an Argentine who knows the language and the proper manner of address and tone in Spanish.
Selon le président argentin, le Pape François est « un homme mauvais dans la maison de Dieu ».
Before he was an evil man. Now His Holiness
His Holiness is merely the official diplomatic address, despite what Reuters is trying to make everyone think.