One thought on “DeathVaxxed 10x more likely to die than unVaxxed”

  1. Maybe just maybe this short video will enable many of the death-vaxxed to “wake up and smell the coffee”……?!

    But, sadly, for them it is already too late as the toxic poisons from previous death-vaxxes which were created by evil & repulsive people, were deliberately designed to attack all parts of the body including the brain……

    It is tragic indeed that so many gullible folk have been brainwashed by the Scamdemic/death-vaxx propaganda of the masonic globalists, who gave their orders to the Church’s so-called “hierarchy” to push the ‘deadly Covid-19’ narrative resulting in the 2020/1 Lockdowns and shutting of all our places of worship, and subsequent recommendations to all the Faithful to ‘take the vaccines for your own safety and that of others’……

    Countless immortal souls will be descending to the fires of hell for all eternity as a result of all this……including the souls of the Church’s so-called “hierarchy”……

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