Eric Samons of 1 Peter Five
who says, in his article at Crisis Magazine, as the end of his critique, that we must show the document religious submission of intellect and will. — Though there are several good comments, the final approbation blows its value all up.
Shane Shaetzel
a Jew who said he converted to the Catholic Faith in recent years, who is constantly spreading errors on, about the Catholic Faith.
Dr. Peter Kwasniewski
who says that the Papacy needs reform, but remains silent about the invalidity of Fiducia supplicans or the need to remove Bergoglio from the papacy — This is like saying burn the house down, because a thief got inside.
Even while he faults others for what he is doing in another more sophisticated way…
Ed Condon, Canon Lawyer:
Father Edward L. Beck: S. Flanders
Who after a very good critique, felt under some sort of compulsion to wish a blessing on all sodomites. — This is what I call the “wink, wink” maneuver.
“Descending blessings”——-and Genesis 19:24 says otherwise ——because what was “rained down “ was sulfur + brimstone ( hell) upon sodom + gommorah ——-these “blessings” are not extended to individuals—-but couples ( why not the individual seeking God? What good will a blessing do for a couple in such an irregular union that don’t want to dissolve that union)