Editor’s Note: The argumentational strategy of the Cardinal reminds me of what a groper says after he touches another person. And in fact, what he has attempted with the publication of Fiducia supplicans is the sexual abuse and manipulation of 1.2 Billion Catholics, so his psychological reaction is merely consequent with the truth of the manner, and is evidence that he has a bad conscience, namely, that he intended what he intended not out of ignorance but with malice of aforethought.
A Blessed and Merry Christmas to you and yours Br. Alexis and A.J.
Your work is genuinely necessary for all.
By the way, was sent a Post on Substack telling me the Franciscans united with the Jesuits…Is this factual as I had not been made aware of that fact before yesterday. Check this out.
Being a Knight of Malta means nothing, since you can buy a knighthood for yourself or a friend for a few thousand.
It’s gaslighting.
I pray that the life of those who have hijacked the Church will end soon by whatever means God designs. That is my only supplication regarding the hierarchy this year of Our Lord 2023.
“Russia will be the hammer of God.”