Hans Boersma: Dec. 19, 2023 marked the Fall of Rome

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

To those outside the Church, like the Anglican theologian, Hans Boersma, the heinous betrayal of Christ, which was perpetrated by Pope Francis and Cardinal Fernandez on Dec. 19, last, is a date which will mark the end of the Church in the West. —  While as Catholics we know this is not true, it is important not to ignore the scandal outside of the Church which this act has wrought.

There has not been a doctrinal controversy inside the Church so profound for 5 centuries (since Luther’s revolt) and certainly not one which has ever begun at Rome (all the ancient heresies were from the East). So it is easy for those who do not know the History of the Church and who neither believe in the promise of Christ, how the Church will survive. — For our part, since the very Divine Majesty is obliged by a twofold motive, to defend His Own Divine Name and to rectify His Vicar on Earth, we can expect swift action by the Holy Spirit in raising up fierce and victorious opposition, aided by Divine Interventions from Heaven and on Earth.

In the meantime, we should add our two pence of faith by joining the Sutri Initiative, if we have not already done so. The Bishops of the Province of Rome are now more than ever ripe to hear your calls for the deposition of this heretical monster and his companion simian. When you write, do not forget to include a copy of this tract, explaining the canonical procedure to remove a Heretical Pope.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

6 thoughts on “Hans Boersma: Dec. 19, 2023 marked the Fall of Rome”

  1. I add to Brother’s call. For those of us who wrote to the various dioceses of Rome, now is the time to redouble our efforts. Since the issuance of FS, which is shaking the edifice of the Church, we have most fertile ground to double down, and write another letter telling the cardinals and archbishops that FS is the most egregious act since Luther, that countless souls are at stake, and divine justice demands the Church takes action. For those who haven’t as yet sent emails or letters, now is the time for us layfolk to become keyboard warriors in support of Holy Mother the Church. Copy Brother’s post “On The Rebuke And Deposition Of An Heretical Pope”, and add to your letter/email. These clerics may need it pointing out that they have the means to reign in Francis the Infamous.

  2. https://www.fromrome.info/2023/10/20/the-sutri-initiative-to-put-an-end-to-the-heresies-blasphemies-scandals-perpetrated-by-pope-francis/

    Click on the link that Brother has provided for each diocese. You will see each diocese website where you can find the names of the bishops.

    Rome: vicariodiromasegreteria@diocesidiroma.it (Vicar General)
    Albano: curia@diocesidialbano.it
    Anagni-Alatri: centropastorale@diocesianagnialatri.it
    Civita Castellana: info@diocesicivitacastellana.it
    Citavecchia Tarquinia: tarquiniaduomo@tiscali.it
    Frascati: vescovo@diocesifrascati.it
    Frosinone, Veroli Ferentino:
    https://www.diocesifrosinone.it/struttura-diocesana/vicario-generale.html (they do not give out emails. Try scrolling down and where it says send a message, click then fill in the form)
    Gaeta: segreteria@ardiocesigaeta.it
    Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno: curia@diocesi.latina.it
    Montecassino: segreteria.abate@abbaziamontecassino.org
    Palestrina: curia@tivoli.chiesacattolica.it, segreteria@diocesipalestrina.it
    Porto – Santa Rufino: curia@diocesiportosantarufina.it,
    Rieti: diocesi@chiesadirieti.it
    Sabina – Poggio Mirteto: segreteriavescovo@diocesisabina.it
    Subiaco: abate@abbaziaterritorialesubiaco.it
    Tivoli: See Palestrina
    Velletri – Segni: curia@diocesi.velletri-signi.it
    Viterbo; ufficiostampa@diocesiviterbo.it, redazionestampa@diocesiviterbo.it

    This is the best list that I can put together. By using the diocesan website you can address to the cardinal/archbishop/bishop using their name, or just Dear cardinal etc. For those wishing to send letters you can find the diocesan address on the websites.


    I hope that this helps

  3. I had some emails returned. I have rectified some errors.

    Gaeta: segreteria@arcidiocesigaeta.it
    Velletri – Segni: curia@diocesivelletrisegni.it

    The one to the vicar general of Rome was returned as spam, but I have managed to resend it.

    I cannot express how urgent it is to write to these prelates. Maybe, just maybe one of them will respond. FS has and is rocking the Church.

    Time and tide wait for no man.

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