From ‘Francis is a heretic’, to ‘Fernandez is a pornographer’ in 48 hours

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It has been 48 hours since someone dug up a 1998 book by the now Cardinal Fernandez, full of the most explicit porno-theology, and notice what has changed.

There are numerous influencers talking about the scandal and describing the contents of the book.

There are numerous influencers talking about how Cardinal Fernandez should, might, or will resign.

But gone is all the discussion that Fiducia supplicans is heretical or that Pope Francis should be removed from office.

It has been a neat trick of the mass media, with 100% cooperation from the grifter collective.

And now they will all go back to sleep, and Pope Francis will stand firm and not fire the Cardinal.

And next week they will talk about founding independent chapels and  breaking from Rome.

I wonder how long it is going to take that the Faithful realize these journalistic prostitutes are not Catholic. Louie Verrechio is right to criticize them …

 As for 7 years ago, I was there and, no, there was not even an equal amount of outrage against giving the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus into the gullets of fornicators, adulterers and public sinners, which is a far, far graver sin than to bless them. Then, they did not call for Pope Francis to be removed as a heretic for overthrowing Apostolic Tradition on the discipline of the Sacraments. Not Cardinal Burke. Not Cardinal Sarah. Not the then Archbishop Mueller. This is a great sin for them all, which they have yet to repent of.

Meanwhile, why not ask your favorite Catholic talking head, Cardinal, Priest, Theologian, online commentator, to talk about the Sutri initiative and how to Rebuke and Depose a heretical Pope?

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

7 thoughts on “From ‘Francis is a heretic’, to ‘Fernandez is a pornographer’ in 48 hours”

  1. The way the media seems to work is to print sensational news to keep emotions Supreme , and this roller coaster mindset causes a paralyzing effect to the mind. Therefore nothing happens but what they want to happen.

  2. Some of us have not forgotten Assisi or Pachamama in St Peter’s and the offering placed on the Altar during the Mass ,the light show projected unto the facade of St Peter’s on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception its one scandal after another ,its an endless assault on the Faith.

    1. If we remember these things, but do not urge the Bishops of the Roman province to remove him, then our guilt before God will be greater.

  3. Father Nix makes some excellent comments:

    “I recently heard a woman my age speak on the FOCUS YouTube about how she has struggled her whole life with same-sex attraction. But she said she doesn’t like to be pigeonholed into that sin when there is so much more to the story of her falls and redemption than just that one thing. In fact, she said something very beautiful and powerful on that topic of same-sex attraction: “Satan calls you by your sin. Jesus calls you by your name.” Translated into today’s topic: Why do we have to talk about blessing chaste Catholics “with same-sex attraction” if we really believe they are first sons and daughters of God?”

    He then posts a most excellent meme

    1. Father Nix says some good things. But since one of his penitents with this vice killed herself, there remains some questions about his competency to give spiritual direction. Yes, however, it is a grave sin against God for a person to identify with their sin, and we should in no way adopt such a practice, except when a person has such a habitual inclination and is impenitent. For when one is penitent and absolved in confession, one is no longer a sinner. But at the same time, we have to make it clear that no one who does not uproot this vice can be saved, because true repentance ends all interior acts, not just exterior acts. And, thus, many confessors actually induce invalid confessions, because they excuse the sin and or the vice, when both must be repented of. Finally, however, a penitent who does not commit an exterior act with another person, never is obliged to confess whether the motivations were contrary to nature, but he does have to repent of both the sinful acts and the motivations. Some sinners think they have to mention the motivations and for fear of being discovered never confess. But that is incorrect. And if any priest should inquire about such motivations, the penitent should never go back to him and should refuse to answer, as that is a violation of the internal forum and a sign that the priest might be grooming penitents.

      For those who suffer from vices of sexual perversion, they need to simply understand that what they are involved in is first of all not a vice of lust, but a vice of seeking sexual pleasure to compensate for some kind of disappointment in their lives, which arises from pride, vainglory or envy, and when they make God the center of their lives and the One loved above all, and turn to Him for all their needs and in His light see the follies of the flesh and of all pride and vainglory, then they won’t be attempted to abuse their sexual powers for some momentary fix.

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