Editor’s Note: Here is a great piece of globalist propaganda, packaged for Catholics. You are supposed to feel for Pope Francis and get angry at his opponents, simply because of a report that he is depressed and the fault is their non-compliance with his agenda..
What a relief! Francis is in it for the long haul! Gee what inversion of reality. It makes me sick.
True Catholic Popes discard” emotions” as the judge of truth and use their intellect and will to judge truths. So are all Catholics supposed to. The supernatural over the natural life.
Every time Bergoglio is reported to FEEL some kind of negative way based upon his heretical words; I wish to throw up. There is NO WAY to empathize with the heresies or acts defining him an apostate of the Roman Catholic Church and in fact; all defining Christianity overall.
Here praying for his demise. Lord, hear my prayer.