ROME: Priest from Africa challenged Pope Francis to his face on Gay-Blessings

Editor’s Note

Traduction française

Contrary to the report from the Vatican, the meeting at the Basilica of Saint John Lateran on Jan. 13th, was not held with the Clergy of the Diocese of Rome, most of whom did not attend, but was open to all Catholic priests who had permission to celebrate Mass, who were present in the City and wanted to attend. That is how a priest from the Congo managed to ask his question.

There are 3700 priests at least who could have attended. It appears that less than 900 did, even though Pope Francis has not met with the clergy of Rome since 2019. — And if you look closely at the featured image above, you can verify that, because some Franciscans — who according to Canon Law are not members of the Roman Clergy — were present. In all, that photo shows a dire need to address vocations, because in 20 years most of those men will be dead, and then who will serve the Faithful at Rome?

During the meeting, Pope Francis berated young priests, again; and blasphemed the Living God by saying, “Jesus was a bit of an idiot”. Though the Vatican altered that in the transcript. — If Catholic influencers cannot see that this man is an apostate, they are blinder than demons in Hell.

The report by Silere Non Possum (I cannot be silent) shows that the many errors made by Pope Francis on matters of fact may indicate that Pope Francis is now suffering from the initial stages of dementia — I mean this in the medical sense.

A full report about the meeting with the Pope can be had from SilereNonPossum, which has a long description of the hypocrisy saturated event, click below to get the English translation:

CREDITS: The featured image is c/o Silere Non Possum.

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3 thoughts on “ROME: Priest from Africa challenged Pope Francis to his face on Gay-Blessings”

  1. NEVER imagined in a lifetime of any Priest referring to Jesus Christ as ‘Stupid’; let alone somebody installed as Pope. THIS ALONE PROVES HE’S FRAUDULENTLY INSTALLED AND NOT AN ACTUAL POPE.

    1. I think we all have to unplug from denial. Bergoglio hates Jesus Christ with all the force of his soul and mind and belly.

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