Warning — adds in this video are not appropriate. But FromRome.info published this for record, to explain why some YT Channels are never erased off the platform. Massive conflicts of interest even with channels who “oppose” Globalism. — It appears that these leading channels have YT staff contacts on a regular basis to grow their channel and, surprise surprise, YT gets 30% of their revenue! — Funding globalism by watching channels which oppose globalism. Yeah.
6 thoughts on “YouTube Creator admits YT partner urges him to push viewers to donate more”
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These Ads aren’t bad; very pragmatic…I found this brand a few years back and THAT is the brand all the men in our family use following that Christmas. It’s pragmatic to purchase items as ‘Sheath’ for men busy in Athletics and working hard in the heat. It saves a lot of misery in gaulded skin resulting in discomfort and outright pain inhibiting ability to perform, work and succeed. Helps the women, too…In that we need not witness involuntary touching and constant rearranging from the men’s discomfort. The upper support provided to women with women’s products is exemplory for the same reason.
Simply a matter of anatomy and science. Anybody offended by this is silly…And, clearly, it isn’t you offended. You’re far too realistic and based in reality; too mature. But, thanks for the warning. THANK-YOU MORE FOR THE LAUGH.
Not on target with this topic; however, this just came through Karen Kingston’s Substack and it’s important. WHO at WEF just declared THOUGHT POLICE to be arresting all opposing Pandemic Policies.
Alex Jones still thinks Covid is an organism. He is knee deep in the fake narrative still.
His parents worked for the CIA and his wife is jewish so while he is right that there is a NWO conspiracy, he is controlled opposition.
Wow, did not know that. Thanks.
I don’t watch YT any longer. There is a news service I used to visit daily but if that is to be sacrificed, no problem. Bye YouTube.
Watching mandatory ads is not how I wish to spend my time. Go to India and China. they are used to mandatory everything there.