Pope Francis thanks MSM for squelching Scandals of his Pontificate

Editor’s Note: Due to the timing of these comments, I think it would be fair to conclude that Pope Francis is thanking them press for hiding news about world-wide opposition to his ‘Gay Blessing’ document, ‘Fiducia supplicans’. — In fact, if you use search engines, you wont find much opposition at all. Even at Wikipedia, they put opposition in a separate article after erasing it entirely from the main article on the document. And even the separate article has an editor who wants it erased, as FromRome has reported.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

4 thoughts on “Pope Francis thanks MSM for squelching Scandals of his Pontificate”

  1. talking about pope francis scandals
    read in vox cantoris every day for life in canada about
    where the money goes with the indigenious poeple
    and the falses graves in canada
    and then what the catholic church must pay millions
    for that fake story and why the bishops doesn t ask for
    repairs for holy canadians martyrs and the big news this week
    is the letter that they found from jeanne mance in 1665 ad
    and what terrible it was then with the iroquois
    very clear what they had to endure for EVANGELIZE FOR


  2. br bugnolo you have to read , it s in english about jeanne mance
    discoverd l letter
    venerable jeanne mance , histoire sainte du canada
    it s in english and you ll see god s will for montreal
    very powerfull for the faith…

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