Cardinal Ambongo: By ‘Fiducia supplicans’ Pope Francis has discredited the Synod on Synodality

Editor’s Note: It has not even been two weeks since Cardinal Ambongo went to Rome and crafted a letter with Cardinal Koch to make it appear that the Bishops of Africa would agree to disagree, while accepting ‘Fiducia supplicans’.

Now, surprisingly, he has openly decried Pope Francis without naming him, for perpetrating a dishonest fraud on the entire Catholic World through his “synodal process”. This is a major shift in the relationship between African Bishops and Pope Francis. And we can expect even more militancy from the Mystical Body of Christ in Africa, which, we pray, has finally realized that Pope Francis needs to repent of his heretical profession or he needs to be removed from power.

If you have contacts in Africa, please share with them the articles on the Sutri Initiative and the Impeded See, which are now available in English, French and Italian, with your contacts there. Let us do our little part to uproot the problems in the Church once and for all.

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