HOLY LAND: Jewish Scientists propose blocking Sunlight to cool Earth 2.7 degrees C

Editor’s Note: This is a mad idea by crazy people. Alas the globalists have the wealth and power to put it into effect. However, reducing the global temperature this much could start a permanent ice age. No problem for those in the Holy Land, though, since its climate change would improving the habitability of that land.

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2 thoughts on “HOLY LAND: Jewish Scientists propose blocking Sunlight to cool Earth 2.7 degrees C”

  1. They will bock sunlight selectively and countries will have to pay to have the sun shine on their crops.

    One more reason for Our Lord to hasten His return. These madmen will end up with life on planet Earth:

    “And unless those days had been shortened, no flesh should be saved: but for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened.” — Matthew 24:22

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