Archbishop Shevchuk: Russia’s War Crimes must be condemned

Editor’s Note: The Masonic Lodges world-wide have been very effective in convincing Christians to condone war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine, Azerbaijan in Artsakh, and Israel in Gaza. — FromRome.Info on principle stands against all unjust violence against innocents, and has stood will the victims of all three conflicts. We follow Jesus Christ’s authority in such matters, not what the MSM or fake opposition may want all to believe. Our support of Ukraine was vindicated during the rebellion by Prighozin, who admitted the entire Russian narrative justifying the war against Ukraine was a lie. — I was one of the few journalists who actually traveled to Ukraine to verify facts on the ground. — I will always stand with persecuted Christians. — What Archbishop Shevchuk, the primate of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Greek Rite says about the need to condemn war crimes is true Catholic teaching. But what he says about the moral obligation to oppose all war is false, since some wars are just, such as the Crusades of old, which took Jerusalem for Christ and defended the Catholic Kingdom of Jerusalem, which belongs by divine right to our Holy Faith.

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