Michael Benz: “Free Speech” was a op to instigate overthrow of governments


Editor’s Note: He is speaking of internet free-speech which is now ending, since Globalists have seized control of most governments. But the deeper truth is that the entire narrative of “free speech” is a Masonic invention to destroy the Catholic Church and overthrow Catholic governments. That is why “free speech” is seen by no free-speech advocate as applying to Catholics.

For a transcript see https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-end-of-democracy-what-im-describing

This report confirms all the reports at OMC Radio TV about Deep State control of the Church, the fake opposition to Bergoglio and the efforts to silence and smear AJ and myself for our work for Christ at Ordo Militaris Catholicus.

It is a must read.

However, understand that it is a limited hangout, to get you to vote for Trump and hail Elon Musk, who are both the two biggest fake opposition leaders of those opposed to Globalism and the Deep State.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

7 thoughts on “Michael Benz: “Free Speech” was a op to instigate overthrow of governments”

  1. Oh, Tucker! About him mos famouse intervew:

    The entire interview was to officially announce – and to the Russian, but especially to the Western audience – that Putin and Russia are not against brain chips and genetic modifications “but we need formalization and regulation” (see the part with Tucker’s question about “AI empire”) + at the same time to consolidate “the reality of the real war in which Russia is right”, thus confirming that Russia is against the plan for the world of Western elites. What happened just a week after the interview?

    Russia, shortly after Tucker’s interview, has officially announced that she is joining the “race” for brain chips and gene mods of humans, and no one has announced it. (How did it happen?)

    pre-story background with curious connections and synchronicities (for Trump, Mike Adams, Alex Jones, Musk, Tucker and the brain chips..)
    (*only the comments of this user, without his answers to other users)

    …and the rest of this user’s comments down (there is a slight break from some conversation of another user with the author of the article, scroll down)

    Only valid links to sources.

    While in every Russian media there are at least 50-100 articles/reports about it, in the Western – almost nothing. How do you like that? About a WEF, DARPA, Musk and the other transhumanists has (as it should be) billions of articles and videos. About Russia – NOTHING. (Including absolutely nothing by Riley Waggaman.) Why?

    Little quote (TASS, 14 January):
    “The expert [Vasily Popkov] predicted a “race of neural implants” due to the loss of technological unipolarity
    [in the session “Why Does the Brain Need to Connect to a Computer?” of Future Technologies Forum]
    According to the scientist, this fear will lead in the near future to the relaxation of regulatory norms related to the development of implants to restore the normal functions of the human body, and in one or two decades, similar processes will take place in the field of creating augmentation systems, neural interfaces that improve cognitive and other human abilities.”

    1. Everything you are saying, and even the comments you cite, is highly credible. AJ and I have surmised this and exposed this, on the little we know and have observed, three years ago. They know that people wont plug into the neural link unless they have leaders whom they trust. And these are Trump and Musk, and Tucker is making it happen.

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