NATO Chief says the purpose of the Alliance is to sodomize Europe

Editor’s Note: And we all thought NATO was an alliance to defend Europe against Marxism. Yeah!

Jens, what you are involved in is not “love” by any definition. It’s real name is misanthropy. And it’s not equal to human procreation at all. What you are really in favor of is the depopulation of Europe, which might explain why you have thrown Ukraine to the dogs of Russia and stand by watching millions of Christians in that country suffer and die.

Jens Stoltenberg is a descendant of a man who, while living in Stoltenberg, Germany, took the town’s name as his surname, a practice common among Jews. His mother too, has a surname which is found among the Ashkenazim. — Perhaps this is not only why he was given power but why he pushes the degeneracy of the Sabbatean Jews.

As for Stoltenberg, he is a hypocrite even by his own standards, because if NATO exists to allow European perverts live in peace, why is NATO standing by and doing nothing about the illegal immigration of millions of Muslims, who believe they have the right to throw sodomites from 10 story buildings?

UPDATE: And if NATO is about letting everyone live as they want, why have they not liberated Warsaw?

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4 thoughts on “NATO Chief says the purpose of the Alliance is to sodomize Europe”

  1. Exactly. Had NATO really supported Ukraine they would thrown all the support they could muster behind Ukraine as of February 22nd 2022. Instead they have held alot of press conferences saying they support Ukraine, given crumbs and delayed giving more crumbs while Ukrainians die to defend their homeland and Europe. This really makes my blood boil.

    1. As I said in 2022, Nato exists to make sure the Rothschild agenda for the Donbas goes forward without hindrance. The Rothschils want clear title to the iron and coal mines of that reason, which are the most important in all of Eurasia. Everything else is theatre.

  2. Could it be true that the millions of ‘refugees’ flooding Western Europe (facilitated by those countries WEF indoctrinated politicians) are, in fact, future UN troops in the New World Order?

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