The “savior” of Argentina just stole the entire gold reserve of the nation

Editor’s Note: This is another case example of the truth, that every personality which the media promote in any way and allow you to know of, is controlled by the Globalists. The true friends of the people are hated so much that they are ignored and never named. — I say stole, because Argentines are saying it, for to remove the entire gold reserve without the consent of the nation is a theft; and clearly this action is indefensible, because if you promised to get the nation out of debt, you certainly are obliged not only not to take on more loans, but to not give up the nation’s gold reserve to secure more loans. Instead, Javier Milei could have issued gold back notes and gradually replaced the worthless currency of Argentina with real money, thus saving the economy and giving the people a way out of the endless cycle of inflation which has robbed them of their savings, salaries and wealth. Now, however, Argentina is stripped entirely bare and will become the total plaything of international bankers.

This report, in my opinion, will be a foretaste of what happens in the USA, after the people chose their next “savior”, for you will never get the savior you need, except in Jesus Christ; but the Masonic Lodge will only allow false saviors and antichrists, until the Antichrist himself is enthroned by them as God in the Temple at Jerusalem, at the end of the world.

The history of abuse, incest and pedophilia in Elon Musk’s Family is explosive

Editor’s Note: I say explosive, in the leader to this article, because yesterday Elon Musk suspended 2 accounts of Ordo Militaris Catholicus for merely sharing this article, in complete violation of his own stated policies for free speech, his user policy for appealing suspensions (he sent no email notice to allow a way to appeal for both of those accounts), and just down right meanness, in putting one of those accounts into a permanent “We need to verify that you are a human” loop.

For those who do not want to waste their time reading anything about Elon Musk, the explosive contents of the above consist in the revelation that his own father sired a child from one of his step-sisters, who was 40 years younger than his father at the time. This is the grossest form of barbarism.

Since merely sharing a two-year old news article should not be treated by anyone this way, I will share this article here at FromRome.Info and I do encourage you to share it everywhere. If you are fed up with Musk’s blatant hypocrisy and have still an account on Twitter, share it there as a parting shot to this hypocrite extraordinare.

I speculated, last month, in my show with AJ Baalman, over at OMC Radio TV, on Martin Bormamn, that the Rise of the Fourth Reich would be ushered in by the PayPal Mafia. I suspect that I was more correct that I ever realized. It is important to know who are the members of this Mafia, and how they have been playing a theatrical game to pretend they are all opposed, when they are in fact some of the most adept members of the Deep State, the Illuminati and the chief enemies of the Catholic Church, after the Mafia of Saint Gallen. They are a pedophile elite which worships Satan and is coming for all of us. And Donald Trump appears to be their front man. My gut feeling is that we’ve been played for 4+ years with stories of a stolen election, with the persecution of innocent protestors, with news about reverse racism and how much we need an earthly savior. I explain why in the show about Bormann.

For more about the PayPal Mafia read this article at Wikipedia, before Wikipedia is bought by Elon Musk and this kind of information goes down the memory hole.

One of the last tweets of @OrdoMilitarisEU, the original Italian account of the Order was this one:

Members of the Order and any Catholic who wants a social media platform which is not hostile to our Faith can find it at the social media platform created by Ordo Militaris Inc., CrossAzure.Net., where a membership for those not members of the Order, costs only $10 a month — a small fee to pay the expenses of keeping it online.

Archbishop Viganò rips the mask of Pope Francis’ MonkeyPox Grift

by Archcbishop Viganò

“I wish to express my solidarity with the thousands of people affected by monkeypox, which now constitutes a global health emergency.”
Bergoglio tentatively casts off the role of the expert climatologist in which he has obsessively relaunched the green agenda narrative, to don the virologist’s lab coat and lend his support to psychopandemic propaganda about monkeypox, which is nothing but one of the adverse effects induced by the experimental serum he so insistently recommended at the time of the Covid farce.
Not only that: he retracts nothing of his criminal and reckless support for that mass vaccination which we now officially know to be ineffective, seriously harmful and deadly; and he is silent about the fact that mRNA serums are produced from cell lines of aborted fetuses. Bergoglio’s zeal in pandering to the criminal plans of the globalist elite is now so blatant that it has had the opposite effect: the faithful have realized that the real epidemic afflicting the Church is modernist, conciliar and synodal ideology.

Archbishop Viganò says Benedict XVI’s resignation was invalid

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

French Translation

Finally, the Archbishop did the decent thing and confronted the canonical problems with Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation.* In his judgement, it is “clearly invalid” to effect the loss of the office of Pope.

The Archbishop, throughout his interview and the explanation of his viewpoint, still omits the distinction between someone who is a heretic before God and someone whom the Church declares to be a heretic. If one continues to ignore this distinction, one will end up usurping the authority of the Church to put someone outside the Church, as I have said many times. Personally, if our faith persuades us that a certain person is a heretic, we are obliged to avoid him and to denounce him, but we must never take the next step, on our own authority, and say he is not a member of the Church, nor that on our judgement alone he no longer has canonical rights, including the right to hold office or be appointed to an office before the Church has condemned him. Otherwise there would be chaos in the Church and we would fall into the error of Protestants and the Greek Orthodox, who have new and ever newer schisms among themselves unto this very day.

Moreover, how can a man who decries the rape of a woman and molestation of her children, be content to announce this to the world but fail to come to the police station and file criminal charges to identify the culprits? What kind of man would he be? As an Archbishop incardinated in the Vatican his duty is grave and immediate. That is why, it is not enough that he say what he says, he has a most grave obligation to bring a canonical complaint to the competent authorities, which in this case is a Provincial Council in the ecclesiastical province of Rome, or indeed, in any ecclesiastical province.

Because it is no small crime that a man claim the papacy but not have the Catholic Faith or the canonical basis to validly do so. And it is no small danger to the entire Mystical Body throughout the world that such a depraved man’s claim be allowed to tacitly go unchallenged.

All these things Archbishop Viganò will be answerable for before God if he should pass from this life having left undone. And this is why I have been publicly reproving him for his behavior for a long time.

Let us pray, therefore, that all urge the Archbishop to do these things (you can petition him through his website here), and that they urge other Bishops to undertake similar actions as has already been advocated by myself in the Sutri Initiative.

For, if because of my own status as no-one-with-any-more-importance-than-a-layman may have kept others from urging this very course of action, now that this eminent, bold and courageous Archbishop, incardinated at the Vatican has agreed on the fundamental canonical issues (that Pope Francis was NOT canonically elected pope on March 13, 2013, and that he does not appear in the judgement of honest and serious men to hold the Catholic Faith, and that he is destroying the Church), there can be no other course of action for honest Catholics, clerical or lay, than to urge a trial and reprehension of the man, to obtain either his willing deposition or his canoncially valid removal from office on the grounds that he has not the canonical qualifications to claim it).

All other Bishops, who are ordinaries of a  diocese, or hold any office, and indeed all retired Bishops, are also now gravely bound to see this matter resolved canonically. For it is a grave public scandal to the world, and if a Bishop of God has not the integrity of moral character to urge such a thing — an action which risks nothing, since any one of them can do so without taking any side in his appeal other than that the Church resolve such a grave public crisis — of what value is he to Jesus Christ and His Church? — And as a Catholic, YOU personally have the right to tell them this to their faces when you meet them!

Finally, as a postscript, I wish to publicly thank and acclaim Dr. Taylor Marshall for having conducted this interview and published the Archbishop’s responses, especially in those matters contrary to his own habitual positions. This is what Catholic journalists and commentators should be doing, always.


* If you have been a reader of FromRome.Info, you knew the resignation did not cause Pope Benedict XVI to cease being pope at least from 2018, though I have covered this controversy since 2014.

Br. Bugnolo: The Pious Association of Saint Louis IX, Crusader King

Br. Bugnolo says: Many thanks to all those on YouTube who have already responded to this appeal. Alas only 2% of you who subscribe to this YouTube channel got the notification for this program. Which means 98% of you were sent here by Angels! — To make this Pious Association a reality, I need to raise enough funds to establish a HQ and support a chaplain for at least 1 year. So far about $1700 has been raised, so there is a long way to go. — I am not a priest, so none of these monies go to me.

If you are a subscriber to FromRome.Info, I sent you an email from FromRome.Info last week, but less than 40% of you got it. And only 1 of you responded, which is why I made the above video and posted it on YouTube. Most of you did not get the email from, because BigTech has established a new higher criterion for accepting emails, which eliminates from your inbox emails from small websites such as EVEN when you subscribe to receive their notifications.


See website, by clicking here below:

Did Borman, Himler and Hitler escape to Argentina? And why it matters …

This historical question might seem to have nothing to do with anything, today, but watch this ground breaking analysis of the 80 year investigation and controversy and find out how it has everything to do with why Klaus Schwab is the founder of the World Economic Forum and Donald Trump is the leading presidential candidate in the USA, and why the leaders of most Western nations are so utterly worthless and offensive to normal folk. — Watch this show on OMC Radio TV!