by Archcbishop Viganò
“I wish to express my solidarity with the thousands of people affected by monkeypox, which now constitutes a global health emergency.”
Bergoglio tentatively casts off the role of the expert climatologist in which he has obsessively relaunched the green agenda narrative, to don the virologist’s lab coat and lend his support to psychopandemic propaganda about monkeypox, which is nothing but one of the adverse effects induced by the experimental serum he so insistently recommended at the time of the Covid farce.
Not only that: he retracts nothing of his criminal and reckless support for that mass vaccination which we now officially know to be ineffective, seriously harmful and deadly; and he is silent about the fact that mRNA serums are produced from cell lines of aborted fetuses. Bergoglio’s zeal in pandering to the criminal plans of the globalist elite is now so blatant that it has had the opposite effect: the faithful have realized that the real epidemic afflicting the Church is modernist, conciliar and synodal ideology.
Where are those who have the duty to defend and protect us …SUTRI INITIATIVE PLEASE….Sick and tired of softness….
There can now be no further doubt as to Bergoglio’s agenda.
Pope Francis and his corrupt/immoral/masonic Vatican cabal would do well to pay careful attention to the Epistle and Gospel for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost [25th August] wherein, firstly, the apostle St Paul solemnly warns us to ‘walk in the spirit thus not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh, as the flesh makes us commit all manner of sins’ [Galatians 5: 16-24] then, secondly, Christ states that “You cannot serve GOD and mammon”; “Therefore be not solicitous for your life…nor for your body…”; “for your Father knoweth that you have need of all these things. Seek ye therefore first the Kingdom of GOD and His justice.” [St Matthew 6: 24-33].
Dom Prosper Gueranger O.S.B., Abbot of Solesmes, in his monumental 15-volume “The Liturgical Year” compiled in the latter half of the 19th century, reflects at length on the Epistle and Gospel and includes the following profound comments:-
“Let us not be astonished at our Gospel declaring that GOD and mammon are irreconcilable enemies; for, who was it but mammon that had our Lord Jesus sacrificed on its hateful altar, for thirty pieces of silver? Of all the devils in hell, is there one whose hideous guilt is deeper than the fallen angel who prompted Judas to sell the Son of GOD to His executioners? It is the avaricious who alone can boast of deicide! The vile love of money, which the apostle defines as the root of all evils [1 Timothy 6: 10], can lay claim to having produced the greatest crime that was ever perpetrated!” [Volume 11, page 340]
Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.
DEO gratias.