Editor’s Note: As soon as this “vaccine” is available in your local drugstore or hospital, I would advise not entering the building where it is store or distributed or associating with anyone who receives it, as it is obviously being designed to start a Small Pox epidemic in your area. — Obviously, once this “vaccine” is used in the general public, it may be very easy to catch small pox from any public area such as a supermarket or shopping mall or gas pump.
Small Pox is allegedly caused by the “variola virus” and has killed hundreds of millions throughout human history. It is highly contagious through physical contact of the pustules on the skin. Here is an excellent short video about the disease which has killed upwards of 500 million humans in the modern period alone:
To put such a live virus in a “monkey pox” “vaccine” is clearly malicious, homicidal and genocidal. In the USA, this is also being done to scare voters away from the polling stations for the Presidential Election of 2024, which are highly likely to be centers of transmission. — This goal is not to kill votes of one kind or another, but simply to kill as many people as possible, as part of the Great Reset Agenda, which calls for the mass murder of all but 500 Million souls.
If the moral and spiritual state of those who design and approve and distribute such a “vaccine” can be adequately defined, I would say that they are totally blinded and/or possessed by Satan himself.
PLEASE NOTE that in the U.S.A., this “monkey pox” “vaccine” is already being distributed in each state. Your state’s department of “health” will list the locations where it is available.
In the USA, nearly everyone who is 50 years or older has already been vaccinated against small pox when they were a child. But those under 50 years of age should be presumed to have no immunity whatsoever. Incubation of the disease is 12 days, after which you survive or are dead. The pustules on the skin are highly capable of spreading the disease through human contact or airborne particles.
The animal analogue, “cow pox” can be contagious also among bovines, elephants, cats, voles and mice. Note: Cats can spread “cow pox” to humans.
Small Pox is no disease to joke about. It killed about 90% of all humans in the New World at the time of European Contact. This article describes how easily it is transmitted by air and contact.
Is this going to happen in US or globally?
How do you avoid this, especially in a city environment where everybody touches everything?
Cringe worthy..
Isn’t it just another bioweapon like covid etc?
This book from the 50s says otherwise re smallpox.
The Poisoned Needle
Since I’ve watched this video, I have been trying to warn people. Only one person has been appreciative. People just don’t believe me, and don’t want to hear it. It’s worse than warning about the covid vax.