Editor’s Note: This particular sect of Islam was the official religion of the feared special forces of the Ottoman Empire, the Janissaries. These soldiers were Christian men enslaved in childhood and forced to convert to Islam, who were then tasked with the conquest of Europe. The signals being sent by this event in Albania will be clear to all Muslims (especially Turks) in Europe. This is clearly being aimed at replacing the dominant religion of Europe with Islam and giving it all the diplomatic and legal status necessary for taking possession of all religious sites in Europe, wherever Muslims are allowed entrance. Moreover, this news was announced on Sept 23, the vigil of the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy, the Catholic celebration recalling Our Lady’s intercession in liberating Christians from enslavement by Muslims. You cannot shout “Islamic Conquest” of or “Jihad” against Europe, with a political event more loudly than this one.
And lest you think I exaggerate: they are not denying, nay they are affirming that the new microstate will be modeled on the Vatican. Since Islamic clerics can marry, it is easy to realize what is up.
Hmmm……some/many in the Church’s current hierarchy consider Islam as “A Religion of Peace”……but they are suffering a dreadful blindness created by deliberate deception and lukewarm ecumenism!
Post-Vatican II ignorance of the very real threat to Christianity from Islam has also been ‘fuelled’ by paragraph 841 of the 1994 Catechism of the Catholic Church which, under the sub-heading ‘The Church’s relationship with the Muslims’ states: “The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful GOD, mankind’s judge on the last day.”
[this is quoted from the Veritas paperback edition of the CCC, and has a cross-reference to para. 16 of ‘Lumen Gentium’]
Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.
Europe is being raped by corruption, crime, incompetence, cowards, and muslim fundamentalists.
Please pray for Europa to reverse the damage, and to get rid of the puppet wef leaders.