4 thoughts on “Novena to Saint Francis of Assisi: Day 5”

  1. Many thanks for this profound & inspiring reflection, Brother Alexis – I must now “catch up” with the previous four!

    You mention “peace and peacemakers”, “the victims of an unjust war”, “leaders of the world not knowing Jesus Christ”, “cleanliness of heart”, “despising [of] earthly things”, “having your soul aligned with GOD”, “humility” etc……. so with these in mind I was very interested to read a piece of good investigative journalism published on the BBC website yesterday entitled “What I found on the secret tropical island they don’t want you to see” – which gives details of a very remote island in the Indian Ocean which has been used by the sinister military-industrial complexes of the USA & UK since the early 1970s, which prompted the expulsion of all the native islanders and, subsequently, the inhumane treatment of many asylum-seekers which has resulted in a complex legal battle on which judgement is expected soon……

    Almost every one of the Beatitudes [St Matthew 5: 3-12] is applicable to this scenario, especially verses 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

    Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.

  2. Interestingly, a ‘click’ on both those web-links above produces a “Sorry – page not found” response. This may a deliberate ‘shielding’ tactic by the masonic-globalist-military-industrialists?
    But the article can still be sourced by typing the following into your computer’s search-engine:-
    ‘What I found on the secretive tropical island they don’t want you to see by Alice Cuddy, BBC News, 29 September 2024’

  3. An earlier BBC article this year about the highly unpleasant and inhumane scenario on the remote Indian Ocean island can be found at this link under the title “Diego Garcia asylum seekers feel unsafe on remote British island territory”:-

    It seems clear that most of the NGO’s mentioned in this report are not overly concerned about the welfare of the oftentimes desperate plight of the asylum seekers, and are much more interested in protecting the secrecy under which the military-industrial complexes of the USA & UK use this remote and geographically strategic island base……

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