UK: Refuse to give your cellphone’s PIN? Charged with terrorism

Editor’s Note: While I am not a fan of Mr. Lennon, who goes by the name of “Tommy Robinson”, probably to conceal that he is Jewish not British, nevertheless, one has arrived at complete ideologically-induced insanity, when innocent citizens can be charged with terrorism for refusing to hand over the PIN number to their cellphones, when border police demand it, in the same country, where only some of the serial rapists, murders and thieves who are welcomed with free housing, food, social welfare and legal advice, actually do go on to commit acts of terrorism, because the police did nothing, even though “they were aware” of the individuals in question.

My advice to my readers is, never enter the United Kingdom again, and make sure that none of your flights layover in a UK airport. In fact, boycott British Airlines especially.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

4 thoughts on “UK: Refuse to give your cellphone’s PIN? Charged with terrorism”

  1. Interesting……what advice would you give to readers like myself who have lived in the UK all their lives and have no intention of moving elsewhere?

    My advice [for what it is worth…] is for everyone to ‘bin’ their smartphones especially those that only work on 4G or 5G – do what I have done and just retain an old-style 2G mobile which does texts & calls……do you really need to “carry the internet around with you” which is an immense distraction and prevents you from observing what is going on around you……and also allows the evil globalists to know your exact location at all times?!?!
    Your internet access can be via a home-based desktop or laptop PC.

    Hold fast to the One True Faith and always remember the last of Christs’s Beatitudes as set out in St Matthew 5: 10-12.

    Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.

    1. Yours is good advice. Even better is not travel with anything which can be electronically traced or used to indict you in a court of malfeasance.

  2. Wear watches, the only thing you need outside aside from weapons.

    Maps can be handy too and compass. I remember something about the compass is the reverse perspective because it is using a top-down view…

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