Spain: 1 Friar Murdered, 4 seriously injured in Monastery invasion by illegal

Editor’s Note: I rarely publish articles about criminal attacks, but when the victims are fellow Franciscans and the attacker is an illegal, I cannot be silent. As the Left does in Europe, they are describing the attacker as “mentally unstable” and of “Spanish descent”.

However, in the above article they are clear that the Police are guessing at his age as either “30 or 40” years, which they would not have to do if he was a Spanish citizen or legal resident, since he would be documented. I think it is reasonable to conclude, then, that the attacker is an illegal, since a lot of individuals with mental health problems are being forcibly imported into Europe by human traffickers. He might also be a Muslim, but that he claims to be Jesus Christ makes me think that may not be so.

The Friar who died was 76 years of age, he was beaten in the head, and died later at hospital of his injuries. His Monastery — or more correctly, his Convent — is in Gilet, Spain, in the province of Valencia, where those inundating rain falls recently caused more than 200 moralities in flash flooding. The other friars attack are all over 70 and one is 95 years of age. Let us pray for these poor friars. May God have mercy upon all of them, and grant eternal rest to the one who was murdered in cold blood. He was most likely a priest.

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