Editor’s Note: The Cardinal speaks very well in this article. But that First Things, a Skull & Bones publication, publishes it, shows that the Globalists are set on removing Pope Francis and replacing him with someone more effective to advance their agenda.
Juridically electing the Pope seems to be the only way to prevent globalist controlled elections.
Without a doubt Saint Peter was guided by the Holy Spirit when he left to the Roman Church the right to elect her own Bishop, without imposing any rules whatsoever. Because when there are rules, someone can control the outcome. But during the passing of ages, the Roman Nobility used armed force and bribery to ensure the outcome. And to prevent a long century of scandals Pope Nicholas II sought to restrict the right to vote to high ecclesiastics so that men of learning and piety would chose Saint Peter’s successors. This system worked well at the start, but soon the powerful nobility of Europe realized that by pressuring the Pope they could get one of their own ecclesiastical minions as a Cardinal and thereby attempt to control the outcome of Conclaves. When the Nobility of Europe were Catholic this did not damage the faith, but as they fell from the faith and as the nations of the world turned to the Masonic Lodge, geopolitical power came to force the Vatican to appoint the most unworthy men, which has resulted in a compromised Vatican for several generations. Only a holy pope can solve this problem, but he has to have a good sense of history, a great love of God and a deep concern for the spiritual welfare and independence of the Church until the end of time. We need to pray for such a great man to come into office.
Trad. française :
Cardinal Müller – Les synodes du pape François sont de la gnose