Why Bishop Schneider’s Wrong and Argues Dishonestly about Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation

Editor’s Note: There are so many errors and falsehoods in the above article, that I have replied by a complete rebuttal in video format, here below, and at FromRomeInfoVido on YouTube (here).

Articles referenced in the above video, in addition to the lead article from LifeSite News:

Br. Bugnolo’s refutation of Father Faré’s Statement that Pope Francis has never been a legitimate pope (In the video, Br. mistakenly says, “Fr. Cornet”)

The Triumph of the Lamb: or how Pope Benedict XVI’s successor was elected

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

4 thoughts on “Why Bishop Schneider’s Wrong and Argues Dishonestly about Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation”

  1. I left a comment at Lifesite which they posted giving a link to this post. They posted it but every reply I gave to other posters was instantly rejected. They don’t want the Sutri Initiative to gain traction. They are despicable.

    1. I am glad that they allowed the link. In fact, in this video, in Italian, Father Fare says that LifeSite said they do not agree with him, but are willing to give him space to air his views SO THAT THEIR READERS AND LISTENERS CAN BE AWARE OF A DIFFERENT OPINION. But evidently the Sutri Initiative is an opinion which they have no problem censoring, even though it is the one best documented with canons of canon law and legal rationale.


      On that video I left this comment. Let’s see if it gets erased.

      “Padre in nessun canone è concesso ai Cardinali di eleggere un pontefice mese dopo la sua morte. Infatti UDG richiede che se Cardinali non entrano in Conclave dopo 20 giorni i loro voti non devono essere conteggiati. Quindi dopo la morte di Benedetto, ricorso alla legge UDG, dopo il 20 Gennaio 2023 era impossibile, per avere una elezione valida. https://www.fromrome.info/2024/11/23/father-fares-straw-man-argument/

      Which in English says …

      “Father, in no canon is it conceded to the Cardinals to elect a pope months after his death. In fact, the Papal Law for the election of the Roman Pontiff (UDG) requires that, the votes of those Cardinals who do not arrive after 20 days are not to be counted. Therefore, after January 20, 2023, no recourse can be made to the Papal Law to obtain a valid election.” And then I shared the link to my refutation of his error.

  2. Thank you brother, in my latin american country there is only one monastery offering the latin rites and they are very close to Bishop Shneider, Im planning to study well what you said and bring this information to them.

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