Why it is useless to appeal to the Cardinals about the crisis in the Church

 Editor’s Note: This 7th episode — which in the video I mistakenly called the 6th — of my documentary, “Pope Benedict XVI’s Renunciation: the Facts, the Laws & the Consequences”, I lay out the facts and reasons why the conspiracy to oust Pope Benedict XVI arose in the College of Cardinals and that some of the most “conservative” Cardinals were key members of it. All of which is the strongest reason why appealing to them to solve the present crisis in the Church is absurd and a red herring let loose to waste your time and make you feel good for wasting your time. For the entire documentary, see here, which I published in April 2020.

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3 thoughts on “Why it is useless to appeal to the Cardinals about the crisis in the Church”

  1. I have lost all confidence in the hierarchy. Since the infamous pachamama “mass” I understand that the highest altar of the Church has been defiled by a clear act of idolatry.

    I no longer trust in the seal of confession since many priests have loyalties outside the Church (masonic, marxist, homosexual, etc.)

    Masses “in union” with a pope teaching heresies are at best suspicious of being invalid.

    To the wilderness I depart. May God help me!

    1. It is easy to fall into doubt or despair, but it takes faith in the Divinity of the Holy Spirit to overcome the temptation that even Saint Elias the Prophet fell into, of thinking, “I am the only one faithful remaining”. The truth is that there are many faithful priests, and even if a priest is not holy, the Sacraments he gives are valid. If you want to make a good confession without a good priest in the area, go to a quiet place with a crucifix and resolve to stay there begging for the grace of true repentence without leaving with out this grace. And in your heart or on your lips plead with the God, the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit, to grant this unmerited mercy, and with the Saints to help you obtain it. I would recommend Saint Joseph in particular for men, and Our Lady for women.

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