R.I.P. Pope Benedict XVI’s 2nd Anniversary

An Editorial by Br Alexis Bugnolo

Two years ago, this morning, without previous warnings, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI passed to his eternal recompense.

His death came like a shock to the Catholics of Rome, who were given to believe that he was in good health.

But to his enemies, it was a day of rejoicing.

Pope Benedict XVI was perhaps the Pope most hated by the enemies of the Church in modern times: from the first moment he stepped out on the Loggia of Saint Peter’s to the day of his death and beyond. The Godless snarled at his election and hissed in relief at his death.

As a theologian he was extremely controversial, since much of what he wrote was neither profound nor normal sounding to Catholic ears. While there are those who believe he is one of the greatest theologians of the last century, in truth he was a German theologian of the modern school who sought truth in every writer and school of thought other than the great Scholastic theologians and Doctors of the Church of old.

As I do not read German, I can only say that the English translation of his works were in my opinion utterly worthless. I confess that I have dumped into the trash-can numerous books by him, translated into English. — And it was only in reading the careful research of Andrea Cionci that gave me to realize that the English translations of his writing probably never captured his thought in its authentic form, since German is so estranged from the Latin languages of Western Europe, that its words are rarely translated with precision.

So it is very likely that he was a better theologian than I have estimated him to be, or at least one who was more precise.

But as a disciplinarian, I hold him to have been the best pope ever in the history of the Catholic Church. I say this on the basis of having read books on every period of ecclesiastical history and the biographies of all the popes. And I base this judgement on the fact that he dismissed from the clerical state more impure priests than any previous pope in history.

While that is not the only criterion for a good pope, it is in my book the first criterion of an honest man of God who truly respects the great dignity of the priesthood of Christ and guards that zealously from sacrilege by the abominations of sexual impurity. It is also the first and true sign of faith in the Most Blessed Sacrament and love for the Child Jesus, Who descends in Person, Body and Soul, and Divinity, at every Mass into the hands of the priest.

Many condemn Pope Benedict XVI for many things. And for this reason many hold him to be damned. But I would urge them to consider these facts when next they speak on that topic. For the first sign of faith is how we treat Jesus Christ, personally.

His decisions to dismiss so many from the clerical state recognized that the Church’s institutions of formation are not infallible, and are capable of inducting into the clerical state men who were never called by God or able to perceive God’s grace because of their own profound psychological disturbances — a truth which the whole Church undoubtedly now agrees with, having witnessed the behavior of Jorge Mario Bergoglio for nearly 12 years. This accords with the most ancient and traditional addage, that “grace builds upon nature”, and Saint Paul’s monitum in 2 Thessalonians 3:2, “for not all men have faith”.

This devotion of Pope Benedict XVI to Christ is also that which made him most hated by traditionalists, conservatives and liberals in the Church, who are members of the Clergy. We saw this on February 11, 2013, when there was nearly universal exultation that he had renounced. He had expelled 500+ men from the priesthood, and was working to clean out the networks in the Legionaries of Christ and Cardinal McCarricks magic circle.

While we know now that his efforts were not faultless nor perfect, it was a radical earthquake in clerical discipline. Even the modifications that Pope Francis in his antipapacy attempted to make to the Code of Canon Law were inspired chiefly by Pope Benedict XVI’s ground breaking initiatives on responding to clerical abuse.

Today we commemorate the second anniversary of his passing. While we pray for his soul, as we should — for we are not his judges — let us also pray that the revolution he began in breaking down the vicious and monstrous iniquities of the worst kind of clericalism, goes forward until the end of time, so that the Catholic Church might shine for the glory of God as an institution which is safe for families and children everywhere.

Russian Orthodox Critic of West retired for involvement in Sodomy

Editor’s Note: Those “conservatives” in the West who repeated Russian Federation propaganda during the last 20 years, might be shocked to discover that one of the frequent mouth-pieces for that propaganda was just “retired” for having another man in a personal relationship which is unnatural, to put it mildly.

Bishop Hilarion was for nearly 20 years the go to man, whenever the some “conservative” wanted some criticism of Western decadence and demonstration of Russian moral superiority. No need to say that today’s news is “egg on the face” of the entire Russian Propaganda Ministry effort in that regard.

But for those who read behind the news stories and pay attention, this should come as no surprise, as even Vladimir Putin publicly admitted that sodomy is one of the traditional values of the Russian Culture.

 The moral of this story for Catholics should be to remember that virtue is a gift of God and therefore never believe the claim, that a State which violates the laws of Jesus Christ has it.

Over at Canon212.com (which should be called GOP.com), Frank Walker who has never missed an opportunity to republish Bishop Hilarion’s talking points is attempting to spin this news by implying that at least the Russian Orthodox Church is taking action in removing an immoral man from office, whereas the Catholic Church is not, in regarding to pope Francis.

His criticism is partly true but mostly false. Mostly false, because, even Pope Francis has removed clergy for reasons of sexual immorality. In fact, he has in this continued the work begin in earnest by Pope Francis, both when a Cardinal and after as Roman Pontiff.

But his criticism is party true, because the Sutri Initiative is the only canonical way to remove an unworthy man from office of Roman Pontiff; though this cannot be done for reasons of sexual immorality, only because a man was never qualified to hold the office. Yet, a provincial council can be called to rebuke a pope for sexual immorality.

Frank Walker has never called for such action until now, however.

Many others have also believed Russian Propaganda, notably Archbishop Viganò, who even met with Bishop Hilarion some years ago, before publishing his endorsement of the “International Movement of Russophiles”. He has also not yet called for a provincial council nor even repudiated his contacts with Hilarion.

Pope Francis’ failing public image was supported by massive Globalist Propaganda

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The biggest untold Vatican news story of 2024, is that never before in the history of the Catholic Church in modern times has the personality of one pontiff been the axis of a massive world wide media disinformation campaign aimed against Catholics.

While I have reported on this continually since the foundation of FromRome in the fall of 2013, it becomes necessary to speak of it again, in the first year after Pope Francis signed the manifestly heretical and satanic attack on the Second Commandment of the Decalogue (“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”), when he placed his signature on the document “Fiducia suplicans‘ on Dec. 18, 2023 A. D..

While the public outcry against that act of perfidy was universal in the Catholic Church and took the extraordinary form of Cardinals and Bishops speaking out from the Americans to Africa to Europe and Asia, the Main Stream Media (MSM) plowed ahead with little else than acclaim for the “progressive” move of Pope Francis into “modernity”.

Meanwhile Pope Francis’ popularity is plummeting world wide, as he approaches the end of his mortality, as FromRome.Info has reported, here, here and here.

As Catholics know, the MSM is always decidedly anti-Catholic and hostile to our religion, Church and before Pope Francis, to the Roman Pontiff. But from the day he stepped out on the Loggia of Saint Peter’s, after the pseudo conclave of March, 2013, which dared to elect him pope, even though Pope Benedict XVI had not abdicated the Papal Dignity, the Press has proclaimed him as basically a living Saint, while even certain members of the Clergy who are intensely dedicated to sexual perversions have gone so far as to depict him as the Sacred Heart or call him “God”.

This MSM bias on the topic of Pope Francis is the most certain proof that he is an enemy of God and was installed by the powers who are inimical to Christ.

But the daring, audacity, and preposterous boldness to lie by the MSM has garnered the attention of normal Catholics, who remember with clarity how viciously Pope Benedict XVI was attacked within minutes of the announcement of his own election in April of 2005, A. D..

A prime example of the sustained and infrastructural support of the positive narrative about Pope Francis can be found in all the search engines, and websites of the MSM. So there is no need to cite them. But others claim not to participate in media bias. One such is Ground News.

Ground News

Sifting through news stories and trying to discover what is really happening in the Vatican is thus very difficult for the average Catholic who is a critical reader of the news. But one news site, Ground News, is publicly claiming, that for the critical reader of news, their site is one of the best options for such readers to find the truth.

I visited Ground News today to test their claims on their own websites. Here are two searches I did, and the screen shots of the results. Click each image to expand.

Ground News claims it was founded by a “NASA scientist” who is concerned with persistent bias in the reporting of the news.  I think the above screen shots show the full truth of their claims, to the reader who has eyes to see.

Poland & France: Images of Our Lady begin to weep

Editor’s Note: It is notable that two different images of our Lady have begun to weep in Europe, this December, and both from the right eye of the image, evidently to demonstrate that the real Virgin Queen in Heaven is weeping for Her children.

Images of Our Lady have been known to weep before calamitous events affecting Holy Mother Church or local churches.

The image in Poland is NOT the original icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa, but that which is found in the Arch-Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka, at Lodz (pronounced, Woodje), Poland. St. Stanislaus was a Jesuit Saint from Poland, in the 18th century. The Image of Our Lady is the original Statue set up to commemorate the actual site of the apparitions of Our Lady at La Salette in 1846. There she spoke of the clergy of France “who had become like a sewer” of sins and how She was doing everything in Her power to with-hold the Hand of Divine Justice from striking the world for its sins.

Since the town in Poland has a name which means “boat”, it appears that Our Lady is weeping for the imminent damnation of Pope Francis, since it is Her image in the church of a Jesuit Saint, in “Boat” (a symbol for the Church and Barque of Peter) which is crying. The right eye, seems to indicate this too, since it is a symbol of attention and love for those favored with mercy. The name of “La Salette” also seems to indicate this, since it means “the little habitation or house”, since Pope Francis lives in a few rooms at Santa Marta.

A Christ-Mass Prayer

catholic statue of Our lady and child Jesus

That all may turn to the Child of Bethlehem,
repenting of their sins against God and neighbor,
ending every pursuit of envy, fraternal hatred, jealousy,
covetousness, lust, greed, and rancor,

so that they might know the all-surpassing





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With a special thanks to each and every reader of FromRome.Info,
in particular to all those who by God’s abundance were able to help me in the Year of our Lord 2024,
by their prayers or financial support and moral encouragement!

The Blessings of the Child of Bethlehem upon you all!

Br. Bugnolo: This Christmass, let us not forget the Christians of Ukraine!

Editor’s Note: Many of my readers do not know, that I am also the president of a Ukrainian charity which helps the Christians victims of Russia’s genocidal and unjust war against them. I hitchicked to Poland in the spring of 2022 and then traveled to Ukraine in the weeks that followed to organize this charity so that in a legal and transparent way, I, who do not have a penny to my name, as a Franciscan Friar, could raise funds to help the most needy. The greatest mercy to Christians is helping those of them being persecuted in an unjust war. Please consider a generous donation to my work there.