Google continues to Black-out FromRome.Info reports

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I often complain that it is difficult for new readers to find FromRome.Info, because since the summer of 2022, the Globalists have begun to remove true opposition sites from their publicized databases.

So from time to time, I experiment to see what the level of censorship is. So here goes …

A Test, done on Dec. 4, 2024 A. D.:

Here is the example of one search, where I used Google, whose bots regularly crawl ALL the pages at FromRome.Info, to let me know how many articles at mention Msgr. Nicola Bux:


That’s right, Google is publicly claiming that there are only two articles among the more than 11,520+ articles, that mention Msgr. Nicola Bux!

The Truth his however, if you use the FromRome.Info search bar:

Is that you can find 12 such articles. Six times more articles than Google admits exists! Click image below to see for yourself!


G lobalist
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I would ask all of my readers who are residents of countries where internet censorship is illegal to file a criminal complaint against Google for what they are doing. And I thank you in advance and assure you of my prayers!

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

3 thoughts on “Google continues to Black-out FromRome.Info reports”

  1. Just to let you know I did it. Just finished it today. Wrote all the reigning bishops in Rome.., Sutri initiative; 2 of them seem evil to me, and another is prob ‘fickle’ – (if you get by drift); but the rest seemed to me to be ok.

  2. Google at the very least has the potential to become a useful tool for extorsion. If someone can create a ‘dossier’ on a presidential candidate with the only purpose of detracting or defaming such candidate, possession of such material should de considered a tentative act of extortion.

    Google will eventually disappear but the damage done is enormous.

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