Editor’s Note: The pilgrimage of Sodomites was removed from the official Calendar for the Jubilee, but the spokesman for the Dicastery entrusted with organizing Jubilee events flip flopped. The event was put on the calendar as a courtesy; but the Dicastery does not approve of all pilgrimages, though it will allow all pilgrimages. — The one-step-back two-steps-forward of Bergoglio’s peronist papacy goes on! This report says that Pope Francis and the leading clerics in the Vatican and Italian episcopate still approve of the event, and some of the latter will attend. It appears that they will bless sodomy and sodomites in mass in an attempt to destroy the Catholic meaning of Jubilee of repentance. For them it is a victory march on the Vatican, a hostile ideological act motivated by pure hatred of God and the Catholic faith. — Let us pray that a group of Catholics in Italy files a formal criminal complaint for “mockery of religion” and “desecration of sacred places” against all those involved and approving.
This event is taking place because influential Catholics refuse to endorse a Provincial Council to reprehend and/or depose Pope Francis. Silence bears evil fruit. Catholics like them will be asked for an explanation in the hour of their death and on the Last Day.