Editor’s Note: All Portugal knows that the Holy ever-Virgin Mother of God came to Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, as God’s Ambassador, warning of the evils of Russia and how Communism would deceive the nations. Therefore, this Cardinal, whose small diocese is not even one hour’s drive from Fatima, has no excuse.
Compare this behavior of the Cardinal above, appointed in 2023 by Pope Francis, to the doctrine contained in this decree of the Holy Office in 1949, to understand to what extent Freemasonry has disorientated members of the Hierarchy:
A Note about Dialogue
There has been a lot of talk about “dialogue” since Vatican II. As a thing, dialogue is the verbal exchange among two or more persons. It has no particular or specific definition of motive or content. And thus, like all errors of materialism, those who “promote dialogue” as a means of arriving at the truth are involved in a patent deception, because it is impossible to arrive at the truth through dialogue without certain preconditions being meant: namely, that all parties accept that words have objective meaning, that all parties agree on what “truth” means, and that all parties want to discover or share the truth.
But for Catholics the truth not only means the conformity of the mind to reality, as it is, but in recognizing that reality as it is, is from the living God, Who became incarnate in Jesus Christ, in the womb of the Immaculate Virgin, to save mankind from original sin, without Whose saving Teaching and Gifts, which include the Catholic Church and membership in Her, it is impossible for man to be saved.
Seeing that Catholics have the fullness of Truth, Jesus Christ, not only as our One Master and Teacher, but possess Him truly, really and substantially in the Most Blessed Sacrament, in the manner He desires, we have nothing to contribute to a dialogue in which the other party does not agree with this fullness.
Any proposal to dialogue outside of these conditions is merely a ideological trick to deceive the faithful and change the Catholic Faith, just as Satan, having taken the form of a snake, deceived Eve through dialogue. For this reason, nearly every proposal of “dialogue” since Vatican Ii is nothing but an invitation to apostasy, by preferring the human respect with our contemporaries in error to the obedience and faith we should have as faithful servants of God, for God Himself.
Thus, this Cardinal has imitated Eve the sinner and has failed Christ. His excuses will not save him from condemnation on the Last Day. Nor should they convince us to tolerate such an abuse of his office in our own days.
God Himself teaches indirectly that it is a sin for Catholics to “dialogue” in the modern sense of the term, because since we have the fullness of truth, He commanded and commands us to preach the Good News to every creature. And as every Catholic knows, preaching does not include even for a moment any sort of such dialogue. It is authoritative, declaratory, perceptive, insistent, urgent. And as Christ reminds us the preaching of His Good News is the best thing for mankind, because if freely accepted, it saves, and yet, it is also the most momentous, because when freely rejected, it condemns eternally. This effect happens whenever we share Catholic Truth, whether we be clergy or laity, and regardless of who hears us, whether willingly or not. And those who say that this is contrary to human liberty are clearly the boldest of liars.
“Dialogue” thus is a betrayal of the Gospel obligation towards truth, and its proponents are worst than Judas Iscariots. A thing we must remember always.
“We hold these truths to be self evident .. the right to LIFE , liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…”
…so, why do we have mandatory taxpayer funded abortion in the USA?
Catholics betray their own religion because every citizen should have free childbirth rather than free abortions.
Birth prevention was prohibited by the Jewish faith from the time of Moses, when his older sister, Miriam, recieved this message from God : , …Prevention of birth is a worse sin than abortion, Abortion prevents life only in this world, while contraception prevents a child from living eternally in Heaven.
About ten years ago while on a trip to Portugal I arrived a bit late for mass, skipped comunion and afterwards went and asked for confession. I think it was at a church somewhere near Oporto. The priest pulled out a couple of chairs and put them inside the comunion railing not far from the altar.
The priest tried to justify my sins so that I would not feel bad about them, but then tried to convince me that some of them were not sins at all….. I spent part of the time to explaining church doctrine. It was surreal….
To my knowledge there used to be one Latin Mass at Fatima, one in Lisbon in a parish, and two through the SSPX. If ever there was need of the Priestley societies it is Portugal. I have refused Holy Communion several times when they wouldn’t give it to me kneeling and on the tongue. The parish I will attend this Christmas is a desert. You wouldn’t believe that the Blessed Mother graced the country with the most important apparitions in history.
Not Christmas reading material, but I urge you and your readers to read at least the first two chapters of Marx & Satan, also published as Was Karl Marx a Satanist? by the late Pastor Richard Wurmbrand.
Wurmbrand was imprisoned in Romania for 14 years – including three in solitary confinement in a hole in the ground – for proclaiming his faith and for refusing to blend it with Communism.
After his release, he wrote Tortured for Christ, giving some details of the horrors he experienced. He began to investigate why the prison guards and hierarchy so despised Christians – Protestant and especially it seems Catholic and Orthodox. After all, if Marxist Communism really were fundamentally atheist, they ought to have despised people of all faiths more or less equally.
In this short and pithy book, Wurmbrand demonstrates from Marx’s own early writings how Marx made a pact with the devil to lead as many as possible into bondage in this life and to eternal damnation in the next.
In following chapters, he presents similar writings confirming other major Marxist Communist leaders relationships with the devil.