2 thoughts on “INDIA: Alarming rise in attacks against Christians in 2024”

  1. Christians should not buy anything with a “made in India” sticker, avoid using any product or services with India nationals in their employ. If one hears the familiar accent when calling some corporation using “call centers” in that nation: one should close that account and let them know the reason. Don’t visit or do business with any nation suspected of persecuting Christians. Enough is enough.

    1. Some Indians are Catholic, and many others are not at all hostile to Christians. The ones I’ve met are invariably polite and even hospitable. I am aware that they can be very good at pretence, though.

      One shop owner has a Catholic calendar next to the till because he likes the pictures. He went to a Catholic school back home, and spent around 20 minutes with me as I tried to convert him.

      In the end it came down to him admitting he had never thought about the fact that his religion (Hindu) has no moral code, and is therefore illogical, since among other reasons it pretends that moral lessons are somehow learned from one incarnation to the next, despite there being no memory of past lives, or moral code! He admitted that he doesn’t know how that might make sense.

      But in general they do seem to be overrepresented in crime reports, even considering their huge numbers where I live. I’d prefer to avoid shops that hire any foreigners from anywhere at all, but there are none such that I’m aware of.

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