Crisis Magazine: U.S. Congress demands Catholics convert to Zionism

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4 thoughts on “Crisis Magazine: U.S. Congress demands Catholics convert to Zionism”

  1. Meanwhile…….LifeSite have just published a most interesting & detailed interview with Bishop Rene Gracida, now in his 102nd year on this mortal earth [!].

    Regular readers at will already know that Bp Gracida is a staunch defender and upholder of the One True Faith whom Brother Alexis greatly admires.

    This wide-ranging interview covers many of the bishop’s courageous decisions whilst in active service in charge of Corpus Christi diocese, Texas, and [since becoming Bishop Emeritus] his considered views on the current papacy and general crisis in the Church……

    1. This is not an interview, but a pasting together of several videos taken over several years, about some matters which are publicly known and other opinions of the Bishop which Westen has censored from his readers for more than 10 years.

      1. Thanks for this clarification.
        Having played both the audio & video versions of LifeSite’s publication I had an increasing sense that J-H Westen was witholding some important information, which is standard practice for “controlled-opposition-grifters” – there was no mention of The Sutri Initiative, for example……

        Kyrie elesion; Christe eleison; Kyrie eleison.

      2. Also, regarding appealing to the Cardinals, Bishop Gracida told me himself, when I visited him in person in the spring of 2023, that he had already written to ALL of the Cardinals and only got a response from one of them, and that one simply acknowledge receipt of his letter. So for Westen if he is to imply that Gracida still holds that opinion, he is being dishonest.

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