Recent Genetic Studies show that most Jews are not Hebrews

Editor’s Note: In recent months Catholics have been urged to avoid anti-semitism, which in theory should mean that we should not be prejudiced against semitic peoples. But the worse kind of anti-semitism would be to pretend to be a semite so that one could claim the land of true semites and drive them from their homes.

Thus, recent advances in Genetics, which allows the identification of paternal ancestors is very powerful and valuable to determine whether the claim of a self-identified Jew to be an ancestor of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as the Old Covenant requires, are true or not.

And the results show that for most self-identified male Jews, their claim to be Abraham’s sons is false. As the data shows in the above table.

While we cannot be sure what was the Y-Haplogroup of Abraham, whatever it was it must be the same or the progenitor of the same variants. Thus, among any group claiming descent, if we find unrelated or impossible Y-Haplogroups, we can immediately be sure that the men do not all have the same male descent from Abraham. This means that some minority among them are true descendents or some majority of them. But not all of them.

To understand the above table, which is taken from a scientific study by Doran M Bohar, et alia, published at Science Direct, let’s look at the table presented in that paper to see the frequency of 10 different Y-Chromosome Haplogroups.

The mere fact that there is 10, shows that 9 of the groups cannot be from Abraham, and that the self-identified Jews in those categories are in error in claiming descent.

The conclusion of the above data shows that as many as 90% of all men who claim to be Jews, in some hapologroups are not Jews at all. This has massive implications about anti-semitism and the political claims of the State of Israel to a right to return to Palestine.

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9 thoughts on “Recent Genetic Studies show that most Jews are not Hebrews”

  1. I daresay there is more Jewish DNA among Italian Catholics than among modern Jews. About 6 million converted in the first few centuries of Christianity.

    1. Seeing that there were not even 6 million Jews in the days of Jesus Christ, and that the Romans put down 3 Jewish rebellions, crucifying more than a million of their men, I doubt entirely there were even a million who converted beforehand or after.

      1. “There are themes about the Jewish population of the Roman empire that are generally accepted by historians and scholars. In the first century of the Common Era, upwards of 10% of the Roman empire was Jewish with anywhere from 2 to 7 million Jews.2 This is quite remarkable. In comparison, consider the United States today where the Jewish community yields tremendous influence, yet only 2.4% of the country’s adults are Jews.3 The percentages of the Roman Empire were significantly greater.” — Quoted from [ ]
        Feldman, Louis H. “Conversion to Judaism in Classical Antiquity.” Hebrew Union College Annual, vol. 74, Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, 2003, pp. 115–56, [ ]
        I am trying to find the place where I got this information. That paper (that I can’t find right now) compared the number of Jewish people allegedly lost during the Shoah to the ones lost to conversions during the early centuries of the Roman Empire.
        *** In all honesty: if those sources are not worthy of belief, I apologize in advance for my credulity.

      2. The Roman Empire no way had 6 million Jews, since Palestine was a scarcely inhabited province. Italy itself had barely 5 million, at it was the most prosperous province. The Jews have claimed 6 million as their population at many times in history, its their long standing pathetic lie.

    1. More recent studies put in doubt the Abrahamic origin of modern Jews even more than the study above. And if we consider that when they returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile, they were commanded by God to take only Jewish wives, and those who had not were excluded from God’s people, we are looking at populations which are 12 percent authentic in the male line and widely different in the female lines, meaning the real number of Jews eligible for the covenant claim to the Holy Land — if that covenant was still in force, which Saint Paul says it is not — would be perhaps even less than 2 percent of all those who claim to be Jewish.

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