Morrison: If Pope Francis is not Catholic, we should leave him in office & go into schism

Editor’s Note: I think some persons have spent so much time detailing the heresies of Pope Francis, that they no longer do an examination of conscience themselves, but run like dumb cattle off the nearest cliff. Evidently, Mr. Morrison is one of these, because while he recognizes pervasive heresy in the Church including that of Pope Francis, he despairs of removing him from office and counsels that Catholics should schism themselves from other Catholics as the solution.

I ask any sane reader of the above article, if that sounds like a Catholic solution? The answer is obvious: he is counseling just what a heretical Pope bent on destroying the Church would want him to say.

He is “Francis infected”.

I would encourage readers of FromRome.Info to try to post a comment on that article, with some sort of refreshing comment to snap him back into reality.

The Sutri Initiative remains the only Catholic, courageous, hope-filled, just and sane solution still, after 15 months since it was proposed. Ask  your favorite Catholic writer why he or she won’t speak of it!

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

5 thoughts on “Morrison: If Pope Francis is not Catholic, we should leave him in office & go into schism”

    1. I have tried posting a comment twice referring to the Sutri Initiative but neither of them have been published. Neither have I seen Paul Dale’s comment published although I have seen one published much more recently. So it seems thay the censors at the remnant are making sure nothing related to the Sutri initiative is published on their blog.

  1. I pray God gives him the gift of final penitance like Jesus gave Dismas on the Cross … because to be sent to Hell , as Jesus said of Judas, ” It were better that that man had never been born ” is the most terrifying statement He ever made…

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