Rome: Clergy of Rome boycott Pope Francis’ ordination of new Vice-Regent

Editor’s Note: The original story is here in Spanish from Info Vaticana’s anonymous blogger, Specola. But the important parts have been summarized in English at Gloria.TV. Evidently Specola attended the ceremony. — FromRome.Info noticed that when Pope Francis went to the traditional commemoration of the Immaculate Conception, in Piazza Spagna, in December, he was suffering tremendous breathing problems, and no one from his entourage bothered to help him. — The present report by Specola confirms the inference, then, that Pope Francis is as much detested at Rome and in the Vatican as he is in the entire Catholic World. And this is the best news of the New Year for the Church.

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One thought on “Rome: Clergy of Rome boycott Pope Francis’ ordination of new Vice-Regent”

  1. Bergoglio has, almost certainly, tested GOD’s ocean of mercy to its very limits, therefore His judgement will be very severe……

    GOD willing, that may happen during this so-called “Jubilee” year……

    At the same time, we all must make sure our own souls are in the best possible state of grace – “Watch ye, therefore, because you know not the day nor the hour.” [St Matthew 25: 13]

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