While Mel Gibson says Pope Francis is an apostate, house burns down

The Interview:


28:00  — Resistance to The Passion of the Christ
30:00 — Cardinal McCarrick
30:33 — On the Change in the Catholic Church
31:00 — Comments by Vigano
31:20 — Why Mel Gibson does not adhere to the “Post-Conciliar” Church

35:00 — Mel speaks on Vatican II, Pachamama, Pope Francis
36:10 — Joe Rogan says Pope Francis should not be the Pope
37:00 — Mel Gibson basically says Pope Francis is doing the work of Satan.

Meanwhile …. a wild fire caught up his neighborhood in California

Editor’s Note: Mel Gibson is a convinced Sedevacantist, because his father was and raised him that way. But what he says about the concerted effort to change the Catholic religion since Vatican II is true.

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4 thoughts on “While Mel Gibson says Pope Francis is an apostate, house burns down”

  1. I watched this interview yesterday while my childhood parish of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Los Angeles burned to the ground. It was my grandfather, an Episcopal clergyman, who built it in 1947.

  2. Thanks for highlighting c.10 minutes of particular interest to us within a discussion nearly 2.5. hours long!

    I had never heard of the “white smoke followed by black smoke” scenario prior to the election of Pope John XXIII……but, as we know, many secular forces were involved in the election of this alleged freemason who convoked Vatican II……

    As regards Gibson’s observations about Bergoglio, maybe someone should tell him about “The Sutri Initiative”……?!

    1. To hold that a conclave was invalid because of a smoke problem is the only thing sedevacantists can grasp upon. They hold that Cardinal Ottaviani was elected and accepted but then renounced or was pushed aside, but he himself only said that he refused to be a candidate and regretted that.

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