Commentary and Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
There is an ideological back-lash to every ideology founded upon error. For if you approve of sodomites becoming priests, then you in fact disapprove of heterosexual men, who think that is wrong, from becoming priests. And then the result will be a Church of Sodom and Gomorrah.
And since silence is consent, with this news, all those Catholic influencers who now refuse to support the Sutri Initiative, that is, the call to remove Pope Francis from office, must be considered complicit willing members of a Church of Sodomy.
Moreover, since Our Lady warned that God will destroy the world for this sin, men should fear to remain silent any longer. If you have joined the Sutri Initiative and promote it, you can be sure that the Sacred Heart of Jesus will spare you in the apocalypse which is about to break out.
Everyone is gravely obliged to take action on this matter, or else this horror will come quickly to your diocese. We are way past the time to merely talk about this crisis in the Church. Cardinals and Bishops who refuse to take action should be derided in public as traitors to Jesus Christ.
While La Bussola Quotidiana (The Daily Compass) — an Italian “Catholic” media outlet which does everything it can to keep Bergoglio in office, denying that Pope Benedict XVI was pope until death, and that Pope Francis is a formal pertinacious heretic — tries (in the article imaged below — click to read in Italian) to argue that the new document can be read as the above article reads it, but also could be read otherwise, it reveals that the core error in the document is that it defines impurity as possessiveness. That means that ideologically it is really saying not only that sodomites can be priests, but they have to practice “chastity” that is, be without any prejudice of exclusivity in their sexual relations, or in other words, be promiscuous.
I really have to wonder what the sexuality is of the Bussola, not to realize what is actually being said and take alarm. Their approach is merely aiding and abetting the destruction of the Church! Everyone with parents who were faithful to the Sacrament of Matrimony knows that true love is always chaste, that is, it practices the exclusive possessiveness of husband for wife and wife for husband, to the exclusion of all others. If you cannot see that, you are blind and are a compass for no one!
It is obvious to anyone who has read ‘Fiducia supplicans’ that once again ambiguity is being used to teach error while at the same time maintaining a cover for the excuse of claiming a “misunderstanding”. But studied continual ambiguity is obviously malicious and intentional deception. And this document is just that, since it follows in the line of ‘Amoris laetitia’ which granted the Sacraments to public fornicators, by now admitting, though ambiguously, public sodomites to be ordained to dispense the Sacraments. Like two book ends, these documents are documents from Hell and are completely Satanic.
The sane truth is, that since a priest comes into the most intimate spiritual contact with the Faithful, it would be reckless to allow sodomites, whom polls show want by a large margin (66%) to have sex with minor boys, to be priests. In addition, they suffer from extreme forms of depression, gender disphoria, social-psychological disorientation. Moreover, These individuals have accepted a false gospel and identify themselves in a manner which blasphemes the Living God, in Whose image they were made and created. As such they are morally and psychologically incompetent to exercise the priestly ministry and thus should never be ordained for any reason.
Those sodomites who have been ordained should be laicized immediately upon such self confession. Any other course of action puts families and children in danger and is the ultimate obstacle to the conversion of mankind, as God wills it. The Church does not need sodomites in the ministry. Full stop. — If the priest near you thinks otherwise, I would counsel you strongly never to go to his masses or receive any sacraments from him again, as you are clearly putting yourself in grave moral danger and are complicit in inducing others to do the same, when they see you attending his services.
UPDATE: Head of Italian Bishop’s Conference denies reports while affirming the claims made
The denial seems to be solid, but at the end it admits that the document redefines impurity as “possessiveness” and does in fact say that a seminarian’s sexuality is not the total aspect of his vocational discernment and he needs to “accept” the sexuality he has, which is the popular expression which means “accept being a sodomite” while claiming God made you that way.
Moreover, this denial is being quoted by no one, whereas reports of the contrary are now several hundred from all news outlets in the world. One can question therefore the sincerity of the denial, which is published in an obscure English website. Nay, one could question its authenticity.
But to the point: it is dishonest to issue such a document, but it is even more dishonest to issue such a denial. Lies upon lies in service to the Father of Lies. — And I fully expect the Vatican to distance itself from the Italian Bishop’s Conference denial, ASAP, in a Bergoglian-Peronist “Two steps forward, one backwards; again, two steps forward” tango style, which he has practiced since 2013.
toss a monkey wrench into EWTN’s live broadcast of Bergoglio Jubliee Audience this morning on Facebook, I shared this and asked if he just created the Church Of Sodom and Gomorrah
God will not be mocked or patient forever. Sodomy always is punished by clear acts of God.
Recall the prophetic message ” The good will suffer along with the bad in a chastisement worse than the Our Lady at Fatima..
IF Men Do Not Better Themselves. It’s up to each of us to convert, do penance for past sins we renounce , to God who is a patient Father.
The apostate Church has emerged and her punishment won’t tarry.
“After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. And he cried [a]mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.” Apocalypse of St. John 18:1-3