9 thoughts on “Pope Benedict XVI against the Unitarianism of Pope Francis”

    1. Many postconciliar Catholics who have only known the ‘Novus Ordo’ Masses are disbelieving and somewhat dumbfounded that Holy Mother Church could be so ‘rigid’ about Her separated brethren……!!

  1. As a convert, I cried and cried the first time I heard this. This was years after I converted, and not that many years ago. I pray that it is not true. I pray that the Lord will be merciful.

  2. What about people who are brought up Protestant and just don’t know any better?
    They have been deceived. Are all our Protestant deceased relatives damned?

    1. There are millions of Catholics who are brought up in the right faith but who are still damned because they preferred some earthly love which was vicious to the love of God. So by what sense of justice, could God save protestants who did not even care to know the right teaching about His Son and join the true Church His Son founded? He would be unjust to save them. Heaven is only for those who repent of all their sins and believe everything Jesus taught, as He said: Repent and Believe! And narrow is the Gate which leads to life, and few are they who find it!

  3. Please forgive my ignorance, but what about the Orthodox? I ask, because their litergy hasn’t changed, and they haven’t endured other major changes as we have with Vatican 2.

    1. The Orthodox who hold to the schism with Rome knowing the Church should be united to Rome sin gravely and cannot be saved, just as any Catholic who knows the Church must be in union with Rome but forms a schism cannot be saved.

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