This map is interactive. Though it was published in 2018, it is more useful than ever for Catholics who want to clean up the corruption in the Church. That this network put Pope Francis in power is shown by this story published by FromRome about Cardinal McCarricks back in 2015. FromRome was the first Catholic News source to highlight this association. No other source which learned of it from FromRome ever gave FromRome credit, however.
Astounding. I hope all of this ends swiftly. Christ will clean His Church and none of these will ever be called to mind.
Wow! Corruption ‘on steroids’!!
So many well-known “usual suspects” here such as Wuerl, Dolan, Rossi, Lori, Farrell, Tobin, O’Malley, Kasper, Cupich, Pierre, Danneels, Hesburgh, McElroy, Martini, Murphy O’Connor, and Bergoglio……but some surprises as well……
Satan & his wicked spirits & all their puppets in the hierarchy have done immeasurable damage to Holy Mother Church but we always have the reassuring “Thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” [St Matthew 16: 18]
Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.