Editor’s Note: From this article it appears that the new Biography is a classic example of the kind of gift given to a King with no clothes on, wherein all the court jesters must pretend he is clothed. This book will seal the deal on Pope Francis as the biggest hypocrite ever to claim the Apostolic Throne. — It took six years to write: which is totally not-surprising, because it is a total work of revisionism. And it was supposed to be released only after Pope Francis’ death, but was rushed to publication, most likely, because no one would have bought it after he is 6 feet under. If you love irony and the absurd, I urge you to get a copy of this book, which certainly will be the source of immense laughter for you, if that is your thing.
Too bad I already bought several 48-packs of Charmin at the local Walmart. Enough to last me for the rest of my already long life. But the book may make a good compost piece if anyone dares to give me one for my birthday.